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5 Steps To stop Absorbing Other People's Negative Energy

5 Steps To stop Absorbing Other People's Negative Energy

Nothing is more depressing than being surrounded by negative people, who aspire your (positive) energy! To counter this negative energy field, are 5 steps to not get caught up and stop these bad vibes!

Negative people: the power vacuums that must be stopped!

How many times do you feel exhausted or emptied after a long conversation of a depressed and whiny person who spent three hours complaining about his daily worries? And yes, that we've all had at least once to be confronted with a person who sees everything in black.

Moreover, an American study published in Psychological Science has recently shown that depressed people would be less receptive to colors! Indeed, it seems that people under the influence of an intense negative energy have more difficulty identifying certain colors (especially blue-yellow) due to lack of dopamine. This happiness hormone also plays an important role in the retina including color perception of blue-yellow axis.

Of course, we sometimes feel compassion or empathy because we can feel the pain and emotions of the person in front, as if they were our own. It is quite human. Only, we absorb the energy of the people around us, which can have a physical impact, mental and spiritual ... It is natural to give emotional support to people who are close to us, but you have to also protect people who abuse our listening.

Here are 5 ways to stop to absorb the negative energy

1. Learn to have Distance

People who complain incessantly are a real vacuum cleaners of positive energy! so try to keep them away without ignoring or show indifference to their evils. It is important to show this to the people who need us but at some moment or another, we must also learn to conserve. You will feel more affected by "what will people say" the more you will feel "dependent" on compliments of others because you feel that everyone thinks well of you and your actions ...

You need to know that everyone is not like you and everyone can not become like you! Learn to love yourself first and keep the distance with people who do not want you to be good.

2. Hold the "vampires" away!

We all know in our surroundings of "vampires" people to emotions, who come to suck our life energy to transform us into depressed zombies ... This type of profile is very hard to draw from you the strength they need and leave you then in a state worse than theirs! These people will always be the first to knock on your door when they need a listening ear to recharge their batteries (and empty yours by the way!) And will not be available when you need help . Remember that your role is not to solve the problems of others. If these people are not able to help themselves, you do not have to carry that burden for them.

3. Know how to say NO

Learn to set your limits. Of course, say no to someone is considered rude but you are not required to justify that choice to that person. If you do not feel respect from that person, get up to enforce compliance.

4. Know taking time

It is important to know to give time for yourself, away from everyone. So you can better concentrate on your own thoughts and desires. Something as simple as a fatty morning to stay in bed to listen to his inner voice, bask in a relaxing bath or just walk in nature ... We must have moments of reconnection with oneself. You'll realize that the scale of the universe, we are but a grain of sand and that life continues, with or without the problems we face every day.

5. Taking responsibility

You're the only person responsible for your emotions and how you feel. When you take responsibility for your emotions, you will free yourself from the potential influence of others on you. By this mean you will gain emotional strength, endure more, improve your confidence and increase your self-esteem .

Learn to be positive every day. When you have negative thoughts, learn to let them go. And note that simple cry can be the best remedy to remove a negative emotion
Negative Energy