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7 Tricks To Get Rid of Anxiety Without Medication

7 Tricks To Get Rid of Anxiety Without Medication

Get Rid of Anxiety Without Medication

It happens to us all to live moments of anxiety. We may be worried or anxious to problematic situations, it is quite human. But anxiety can become a health problem when it becomes excessive and chronic. When it causes pain and preventing the person to flourish and achieve its objectives, one speaks in this case of anxiety disorder.
If you are anxious and you hope to get rid of with natural ways. Here we let you discover very effective 7 Tips to help you relax without drugs!
1. Meditation
The effect of meditation and relaxation techniques on anxiety has been scientifically proven. These techniques of transcendental meditation allows a "development of consciousness" of self and a release of all forms of tension. This meditation technique is derived from a spiritual practice from India. It is practiced in 2 sessions of twenty minutes a day.
A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that transcendental meditation has a much higher efficiency than the treatment on anxiety, especially among people with high anxiety.
There are also other breathing or relaxation techniques (yoga, hypnosis, listen to relaxing music ...) that can help meditation. We must learn to breathe well. For 2 to 3 seconds, inflate your stomach at the maximum inspiration. You will be astonished by the effect of breathing on your anxiety.
To better understand how meditation affects our body, the researchers looked at called neurotransmitters "GABA" whose role is to promote calm and relaxation, and balance the emotions. They found that after a 60-minute session of meditation, GABA levels were significantly high compared to the group who just watched TV.
2. Write in the diary
Write what you experienced or felt on paper helps a lot in advance. Writing gives us a space of freedom to express our feelings and anxiety too. By rereading, we ask the right questions and it allows us to step back from the events that we live and that are generators of stress and anxiety.
3. Speak
Do you know that to talk and tell what's wrong with someone reduces anxiety? If you have trusted people around, do not hesitate to tell them about your anxiety. If you have trouble talking about your problems with friends or family, consult a psychologist and talk to him openly about your feelings. Name the things:
if you experience anxiety, protocol, saying: "I'm worried."
4. Eat healthy
A poor diet can promote anxiety without knowing it! One of the best ways to fight against anxiety is healthy eating, with foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as mangoes, oranges, dark chocolate or pistachios.
5. Practice of sport!
Physical activity not only affect our body but also our mind! Studies have shown that sport is associated with a significant reduction in depression and anxiety, and may even be a non-specific type of treatment but with a beneficial effect that should not be overlooked. Sport reduces stress and increases the body's ability to withstand high voltage.
6. Expressing gratitude
Express gratitude seems to be a key factor in the psychological well-being! Take time to reflect on what is positive in your life. Gratitude helps us realize how lucky we have. To do this, make a list of everything that is positive in your life. This simple exercise quickly change your mood.
7. Use imagination and see things
Anxious people tend to cogitate all the time! It is advisable to use this reflection to relax by imagining a relaxing place ... you can close your eyes and imagine a cloud where you gather all your worries and leave right after the cloud go away into the sky until that it disappears ... This will make you much good!