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Healthy Drink To Lose 1 kg, Purify and Detoxify Your Body!

Healthy Drink To Lose 1 kg, Purify and Detoxify Your Body!


The tricks or schemes to accelerate the weight loss process are not lacking, but everyone's metabolism works differently. Some tricks can work together, while others show no satisfactory result. Here is a very effective drink to test for eliminating excess weight and cleanse your body!
Poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, tobacco, etc. are all factors that can cause the accumulation of toxins and affect the body. They can also cause weight gain that may trigger serious diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.
Here is a simple recipe to help you detoxify your body and start the weight loss process from the first day:
2 tablespoons of dried green tea leaves bio
1 liter of goat's milk
Pour the milk into a saucepan and add green tea. Let cook on low heat until boiling. Then cover the pan and let the mixture cool for 20 minutes, filter and drink.
This mixture should be drunk every two hours (one cup) for 10 days. However, for satisfactory results, it is important to practice regular physical activity in parallel and ensure a healthy and balanced diet.
Low in calories, goat milk has many health benefits. It is rich in calcium which helps strengthen bones, contains protein, potassium and magnesium that help prevent skin aging and hypertension. Attention cow's milk should be avoided because it contains growth hormones for the development of the calf and not adapted to humans. These substances may cause serious disorders such as hormonal disturbance, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or the proliferation of cancer cells.
Green tea is a very effective slimming element, it contains an active substance called caffeine, which accelerates fat burning and slows the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates absorbed. A study at the University of Pennsylvania showed the effect of green tea in the process of weight loss, they studied the case of mice suffering from obesity. For 16 weeks, the researchers forced the sport and regular consumption of green tea. After that time, scientists have noticed a decrease of 27.1% abdominal fat and a decrease of 36.6% body fat. However, it is important to combine exercise and a balanced diet for lasting and effective results. This ingredient is also rich in antioxidants that eliminate toxins and purify the body.
For those who do not appreciate goat milk, here is a second recipe to lose weight and cleanse your body:
1 lemon
1 cucumber
1 teaspoon of grated ginger
Mint leaves
1 liter of water
In a jug, put the lemon and cucumber sliced, ginger, mint leaves and water. Let it overnight in the refrigerator and eat the next day during the day. Take your first drink in the morning, and follow this treatment for 15 days. This trick can be repeated three times a year maximum.
This drink is an excellence slimming agent , particularly because the water contained in cucumber provides a lasting feeling of satiety throughout the day. In addition, the lemon is rich in fiber, which slows digestion. Finally, ginger enhances the burning of fat by increasing body temperature, this spice is very effective in removing abdominal fat.
Warnings :
Ginger is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with blood disease.