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How This Simple Needle Can Save You From a Stroke?

How This Simple Needle Can Save You From a Stroke?


Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) represent one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. In UK, 130,000 people are affected each year by this phenomenon, including 50,000 who die. If you ever watch a stroke, help the person using only a needle!
A stroke, also called brain attack, occurs due to a sudden stoppage of blood flow to the brain, caused by blockage or burst a blood vessel. Result: the brain cells in the affected area are deprived of oxygen and nutrients necessary for their operation and eventually die.
What types of stroke?
Ischemic stroke is caused by obstruction of a cerebral artery due to the formation of a blood clot. When the lipid plaque build up on artery walls, the latter being narrow and clots form. This is the form of the most common stroke.
Hemorrhagic stroke is mainly caused by hypertension. It is characterized by intracerebral bleeding due to rupture or burst in blood vessel in the brain.
What are the risk factors for stroke?
The main cause is high blood pressure, but there are other factors to consider, including: genetic predisposition, stress, obesity, oral contraceptives, cholesterol and excessive drug use and 'alcohol.
The age (from 50 years for men) and smoking are also factors that increase the risk of stroke. Note that 40% of stroke deaths are related to tobacco for people aged 65 years old.
How to tell if a person has a stroke?
The symptoms are many and distinct enough. A person who had a stroke feels a weakness in a certain body part or an entire half. Dizziness, loss of balance, impaired vision and speech as well as severe headaches and facial numbness are also common signs.
How to help a person who is having a stroke ?
Obviously, the first reaction is to ask for help, but until they arrive, there are some actions to take to try to save the person.
Above all, it is very important to keep calm. If you get stressed or panic, you certainly will not help the victim. Here's what to do:
- Do not move the victim from his place, to prevent internal bleeding.
- Take a syringe or if you do not have at home, use a needle that you need to sterilize. Just put it on the fire for a few seconds.
Once the needle is sterilized, you must prick the end of the 10 fingers of the victim. Bites must be in the part closest to the nails.
Normally, blood should flow, but if it does not, try pressing the fingertips without forcing. The goal is to shed blood to improve blood circulation and the victim regains consciousness.
If the victim manifest distortion of the mouth, you need to carefully massaging his ear. You can also gently prick the ear lobe twice until one or two drops of blood flow. This will again improve blood flow and the mouth of the victim should return to normal after a few minutes.
Follow these steps to the letter to save the life of a person who had a stroke while waiting for rescue. Please note, even if the person is fully conscious or feels better, it is important that it be taken to hospital to be examined by a doctor.
How to prevent a stroke?
Like high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke, it is important to check regularly.
It is also recommended to avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and to practice regular physical activity. This will improve your heart health but also prevent diseases related to it and reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
In addition, it is very important to have a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid processed foods, which contain a lot of bad fat, sugar and sodium. It is recommended to consume everything that is natural and lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and good fats, which will give your body the nutrients it needs.
According to a study from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx (United States), a potassium-rich diet can reduce the risk of stroke in women after menopause. The scientists analyzed potassium intake for over 90,000 postmenopausal women aged between 50 and 79 years, for 11 years.
Conclusion: women who consumed a lot of potassium reduced their risk of stroke by 12%, in contrast to women who had lower intakes of this mineral.