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How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally Quickly

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally Quickly

Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally Quickly

Many people have pimples problems, whatever their age or gender. They spend a lot of money on creams and treatments that do not really provide the expected results. We asked advice from dermatologists the best home remedies to make them disappear. These tricks are applied preferably in the evening, before bedtime.
1 - Baking soda
Baking soda can be used to treat many skin problems. In this case, it will get rid your skin of sebum and is an excellent exfoliant. We make a mask by mixing 1/3 of water to 2/3 of bicarbonate of soda. Apply the paste on the face and gently do a soft massage . Leave the mask on for 5 minutes, then rinse your face. Use once a week.
2 - The Ice
Ice can reduce inflammation caused by a pimple. Wrap an ice cube in a cloth and apply it against the button for one minute. The redness will be significantly reduced.
3 - Apple cider vinegar
Mix 1/3 cider vinegar to 2/3 water. Apply this solution on your pimples with a cotton pad. This treatment will get rid of bacteria as apple cider vinegar contains citric acid, used in many products to combat acne.
4 - Lemon juice
Lemon also contains citric acid. It boosts ascorbic acid, an antioxidant and natural astringent. Dip a cotton ball in a freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on your face. Let it for overnight.
Warning: Do not expose yourself to sunlight after applying lemon juice; it is photosensitizer.
5 - Aspirin
Aspirin contains an ingredient, salicylic acid, used in many products against acne. Crush an aspirin and add a little water to form a paste. Apply it on your pimples with a cotton swab and let stand for 10 minutes before rinsing your face with warm water.
6 - The Tree Oil Tea
It treats acne thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Dab your buttons with cotton wool soaked in a few tree oil drops of tea mixed with water and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. just to be applied in the evening.
7 - Garlic
Garlic has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It actually contains allicin which has many antibacterial properties and can be used to fight against acne. Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix with water and apply on the affected areas. Wait for 5 minutes, then rinse.
8 - Banana
Rub the inside of a banana skin against pimples and massage gently for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash your face.
9 - White Potatoes
It contains niacin, which lightens acne marks. Peel an apple raw white earth and place it on your face for 2 minutes then Rinse.
10 - The eye drops
They can not only alleviate the redness of your eyes, but also your skin. Soak a cotton and put it in the freezer. When pimples appear, massage them gently with the cotton.
11 - Cucumber
It reduces swelling caused by acne. In addition, it refreshes and moisturizes the skin. Simply place slices of cucumber on the affected areas and leave it until the discomfort disappears.
12 - The egg white
The egg white contains vitamins and protein, that can get rid your skin of its sebum and strengthen. It can also reduce inflammation and cleanse your pores. Apply it to affected areas and wait  for 10 minutes, then wash your face.
13 - Honey
Pure honey is a miracle treatment because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. You can make a mask or apply a little on each button.
14 - The orange peel
Rich in vitamin C, they are excellent for the regeneration of your skin. Grind them and add a little water to concoct a paste. Apply it on your face and massage gently. After 10 minutes, wash your face.