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Watch What Happens Inside The Body After Smoking Marijuana

Watch What Happens Inside The Body After Smoking Marijuana

 Smoking Marijuana

Marijuana (also called hash, grass) is one of the most popular drugs among youth. Smoke more often in hand-rolled cigarettes sometimes used other means to absorb this illegal substance. Unfortunately, consumers are not aware of the serious risks to their mental and physical health .
Compared to other European countries, it turned out that USA is the only country that has a much greater consumption of cannabis (marijuana and hashish) reaching over 15%.
A student (between 11 and 15 years) of 10 has already tried cannabis
Almost 50% of 17 year olds said they had smoked cannabis
42% of adults aged 18 to 64 have already experienced smoking marijuana .
Before you talk about what happens to the body after smoking marijuana, you must first know how it works.
What are the marijuana composition?
The preparation of marijuana contains about 420 compounds. The most important compound is called the delta9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC). This component, potentially psychoactive becomes increasingly concentrated in this preparation, reaching an increase of 400%.
How does it work?
Being fat soluble, THC is easily accumulated in the fatty tissues of the body. Once smoking marijuana, THC goes directly into the lungs and into the blood, and easily reaches the brain. The neuropsychological effects will be felt after 15 to 20 minutes at a casual consumer somewhat later when the person consumes regularly. Its effects can last up to 8 or 12 hours if the person has smoked or ingested this substance.
What are the effects of marijuana on the body after consumption?
Apart from the known effects of marijuana, the consumer faces other unexpected effects he did not want.
Euphoria and memory impairment
When THC reaches the brain, it causes the release of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that induces a feeling of happiness and satisfaction). The person therefore has a sense of well-being followed by drowsiness. However, the potential impact on memory have been reported. Marijuana use affects the ability to think and make decisions. It can cause memory loss, learning disability and lack of concentration. And even after ceasing to consume some of these effects may persist.
psychiatric diseases
If a person starts smoking marijuana in early adolescence and continues consuming it, That's exposes them to an increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia. This risk increases in people who have a family history of mental illness.
Marijuana causes dilation of blood vessels, especially those of the eyes, which gives them a red color. This expansion has other effects, such as reducing blood pressure and palpitations since it doubles the normal heart rhythm. Significant stress for the heart.
bronchitis symptoms
With smoke irritating the throat and lungs, marijuana makes you cough and induces symptoms of bronchitis. And like tobacco, marijuana smoke is no shortage of carcinogens.
After disappearance of the desired effects of marijuana, the side effects starts!
After feeling the euphoria following moderate marijuana use, this sensation disappears in favor of difficulty falling asleep, intense anxiety disorders - with the possibility of having anxiety attacks, hallucinations in some cases.
We hear about the use of medical marijuana to relieve certain pains (especially cancer). Do not mix the use of the youth of this substance with its use in medicine for many patients and individuals with dosages studied.