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What Happens To the Brain, Heart When Eating 3 Bananas Daily !

What Happens To the Brain, Heart When Eating 3 Bananas Daily !


Besides being delicious, bananas are rich in minerals and vitamins and extremely beneficial to the health of the body. Zoom in on the best benefits of banana!
Eat three bananas a day can dramatically improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke and heart problems. According to British and Italian scientists, eat a banana at every meal provides the body with the required amount of potassium and reduces by 21% the risk of brain blood clot.
In 2011, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published a study which revealed that many health problems could have been avoided if those people receive the necessary amount of potassium by eating healthy, natural foods, such as bananas, fish, spinach and lentils. Furthermore, a daily quantity of 1,600 mg of potassium can significantly reduce the risk of stroke  and other diseases.
Think of eating 3 bananas a day (each containing about 500 mg of potassium) to stimulate the brain and nerve function; This helps to prevent blood clots and stroke (CVA).
Banana, a source of nutrients
Having a high potassium content, bananas are also rich in vitamins B and C, biotin, manganese and dietary fiber that help with digestion. A medium banana contains about 100 calories and very low traces of cholesterol, fat and sodium; what makes this fruit an excellent snack for dieters.
Bananas also are highly recommended for athletes because they boost energy and have a low glycemic index. Moreover, according to some studies, eating 3 bananas provide energy for 90 minutes of intense workout.

The Health Benefits of 3 Bananas Everyday

Bananas have many benefits, such as:
1. Fighting Depression
Bananas help fight depression. They are rich in tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. The latter is a compound that relaxes the body and improves mood.
2. Regulate blood pressure
A medium banana contains about 500 mg of potassium, which is essential for good cardiovascular health. Thanks to their high potassium content, bananas can help regulate heart function and water balance in the body, which in turn reduces the risk of hypertension and stroke.
3. Prevent Constipation
Bananas are rich in dietary fiber. A medium banana contains about 3 gms of fiber, which makes them excellent against constipation. Instead of turning to drug laxatives, opt for the daily consumption of bananas which is the best natural way to restore the functions of the intestine.
4. Strengthen bones
Thanks to its high potassium content, bananas help to preserve and strengthen your bones. Indeed, potassium reduces the loss of calcium from the body; This reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
5. To fight against stress
Here's another benefit of potassium in bananas. When you are stressed, metabolic rate increases while potassium levels drop. Therefore, daily consumption of bananas helps combat stress and regulate heart rate, thanks to its high potassium elements.
6. Quit Smoking
Besides potassium and magnesium, bananas are rich in vitamins B6 and B12; which can help the body recover from the nicotine withdrawal side-effects.
7. Relieve Premenstrual syndrome Symptoms -PMS-
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which normalizes the body's glucose levels and can positively affect mood. Eating bananas can be very beneficial if you suffer from mood swings due to PMS.
8. Fight Against Anemia
Banana is the first nutraceutical recommended for people with anemia (a disease characterized by insufficient amount of blood cells, which prevents oxygen from reaching to the required tissues).
Bananas are iron-rich foods that help stimulate the production of hemoglobin; which is very important for people with anemia