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What Happens To Your Body When Stressed

What Happens To Your Body When Stressed


Stress can manifest in different ways: the stomach ball when you are invited a dinner where you did not want to go, this heaviness in the chest when you expect the results of your medical record, this ferment in throat when you see your to-do-list ending ...
You may experienced one of these situations. No matter which one you are most familiar, one thing is certain: it is not good for your body or your soul or for your brain. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found out that feeling extreme stress (such as divorce, illness or job loss) increases your risk of developing 21% of Alzheimer's disease and all forms 15% of dementia. Although humans stress range from finances to relationships, the body has to adapt. When you see your account in the red for example, activating the sympathetic nervous system of your body, or fight-flight response. Your heart starts to beat faster, cortisol pours throughout your body and your brain pump oxygen to prepare for the upcoming fight. Except there is no fighting. Just rush to the cash dispenser. And, as the research shows, these chronic stress resources can be drawn from your body.

The effects of Stress on Your Body

The Brain
You do not need to experience stress "extreme" to see a change in your memory. A new searched published in the Journal of Neuroscience has found a link between high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and loss of short term memory in aging adults.
The skin
A sudden stress can make you temporarily pale after the blood from your face was redirected to the muscles that may require it. But a slight and constant stress can cause, over time, a rapid aging of your skin; rashes rosacea or psoriasis, due to the release of histamine and increase sebum production .
The heart
Chronic stress and repeated traumatic incidents (called "acute stress reactions" by doctors) lead to inflammation of the coronary arteries, which is responsible for heart attacks. Slight increases in heart rate for those who suffer from chronic stress also affect the heart's ability to pump blood, and increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke.
Fast breathing is a classic symptom of stress. If you have asthma, studies show that you are struggling to obtain enough oxygen in a stressful situation. Another discovery: stress predispose to inflammation, making them more frequent asthma attacks.
Science confirms that women (and men!) Already know that stress due to fat is a reality. A study published in Biological Psychiatry found that women experiencing one or more stressful events in the day before a meal burn fewer calories than those who are not stressed. The difference can mean extra 5 kilos every year ...
Being constantly in survival mode is exhausting, especially for the immune system, which can be very weak due to chronic stress. This not only can create new diseases but also aggravate existing problems.
A relief so sweet
Now that you know what stress does to your body, use the most approved technique of meditation by experts. There is no question here of Buddha statues and incense. In fact, meditation is just a generic term for practices such as mindfulness, mantras, guided meditation, yoga and deep breathing techniques, which research has shown that they can reduce stress to enhance weight loss or ward off diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer and high blood pressure.
Now you are stressed? Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique of Dr. Andrew Weil, a professor at Harvard, which he named it "natural tranquilizer" to the nervous system. Inspired by yoga, this technique can let you fall asleep in less than a minute. Here is the procedure:
When sitting, keep your back straight and your feet on the ground.
With your tongue, press your palate behind your front teeth.
Now exhale deeply through the mouth, and close your mouth when you have expelled all the air from your lungs.
Inhale slowly through your nose by counting to 4. Hold your breath by counting to 7. Exhale by counting to 8, emptying your lungs completely.
Repeat 3 times this excercise to relax and find inner peace.