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What Your Wrinkles Reveal About

What Your Wrinkles Reveal About

Wrinkles Reveal About

If you are worried or stressed, or if you adopt an unbalanced diet, it will inevitably reflect on your face and enhance wrinkles surging. But do you know that they have special meanings that reveal many aspects about your personality and your destiny
Physiognomy is a study based on observation of the physical appearance of a person and especially his face (shape, lines, wrinkles, expressions ...) for a glimpse of his personality and character. Aristotle would be the father of this science that has experienced an unprecedented boom in the 19th century.
In this article, we will devote ourselves to reading facial wrinkles to determine their significance and what they reveal about your personality and your character.
The meaning of the wrinkles on your face
The horizontal lines indicate excessive worry, while for younger people it indicates excessive consumption of sugar, dairy products, oils and vegetable and animal fats.
Two vertical lines between the eyebrows are a sign of anger resulting in impatience, frustration and boredom.
If your wrinkles are located below, at the base of the ridge your nose, it means that you worry too much or you're very focused.
The vertical lines on the cheeks indicate that you are very stressed.
The furrows which start from the base of the nose and come above the mouth are the marks of time and show your real age. But if they are deep as you have not yet reached the fifties, it's probably time to take a break and detoxify your body, as this part is related to colon cancer.
The lips
The vertical wrinkles above your upper lip indicate excessive concern - relax a little!
Disappointment is often marked by short lines that come down your cheek at the corner of your lips.
As for the vertical lines below your lower lip, they are signs of dissatisfaction and bitterness.
The chin
Vertical wrinkles on the chin are difficult to be noticed at young people , and are often associated with fear, whether rational or not.
The eyes
The meaning of the wrinkles that appear at the corner of the eye varies according to their orientation: if they go up, they show the joy and happiness, but if they go down, it indicates that you often sad .
Each ride predicts your destiny
The wrinkles on our face not only testify of our age, but it also reveals our character, our destiny, our health and if we are destined to succeed or not. These are the basics of physiognomy, science that the Chinese were the first to study and which links facial features with character traits.
Being resourceful
Having two or three horizontal lines on your forehead is a positive sign: a front two lines is generally present in resourceful people who succeed in life, and a forehead with three wrinkles shows great artistic sense and a literary talent.
Three long lines that form a wide arc on your forehead indicate that you are popular. This kind of person is usually highly respected and surrounded by a large circle of friends. They can become famous and live a long life of happiness and peace.
unhappy fate
You have only one deep vertical wrinkle in the middle your forehead? Chinese physiognomonistes call it  "suspended needle". It predicts a threat to the personal safety or a domestic dispute. However, some people have so-called "compensatory" features like eyebrows, a nose or perfect eyes that help them avoid misfortune. Often found this feature among people of a certain level such as government officials or players, which demonstrating their potential.
Two short parallel lines between the eyebrows indicate success in the field of management, industry and culture. People with this feature are the great thinkers and very organized in their work. They are so lucky to have a brilliant career.
If people show three straight lines between the eyebrows indicate that they are able to quickly get to the top of the social ladder. Whereas, if vertical discontinuous, they show a predisposition to mental disorders and crime.
When the front is crossed in the middle by a horizontal line, this is a sign of an amazing life. These people succeed in all areas, especially during their youth. However, if the line is too close to the eyebrows, it can mean a disorder of adolescence period.
Have unusual lines on the forehead in the shape of a diamond is a sign of a long life of glory. This is a characteristic of writers, artists and other similar professions.
Diseases and adverse events
The fine and short dashed lines on the forehead are associated with poor health, to uncertainty and a reluctant character. People who have these wrinkles remain bitter even if they succeed in achieving their goals.
Unlucky in love
If an individual has 3 vertical lines under each eye, it may mean that he lives an unhappy marriage which will end  up in divorce.
Baby gender
If a pregnant woman shows small wrinkles around the mouth, it is more likely to give birth to a baby boy. If she does not have them, she will have a little girl baby .