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When You Sleep Less Than 8 Hours .This is What Happens To Your Body

When You Sleep Less Than 8 Hours .This is What Happens To Your Body

Sleep needs differ from one person to another, depending on age, lifestyle, activities, etc. But for adults, it is generally advisable to sleep 8 hours a night so as to stay healthy and perform well during the day. However, due to the long hours and bad habits, many of us sacrifice their sleep to achieve maximum tasks. What are the consequences of insufficient sleep?
Sleep Less Than 8 Hours

According to a survey by the National Institute of Sleep, one in three individuals suffer from sleep disorders, with a marked predominance in people between 35 to 55 years. Their average hours of sleep is less than 7 per night.
Some people believe that they can work normally even if they sleep less than others. They often see themselves as superior to the "faint of heart" that need to sleep longer to be operational. But what they ignore is that by depriving the body of those moments when it recharges batteries, they increase their risk of suffering from health problems and cognitive functions.
Some consequences of lack of sleep ...
1 - An extension of the reaction time
When a person lacks sleep, the time it takes to respond to a stimulus or to respond to a potential danger is longer than normal. This is the case of drivers and workers who are deprived of sleep for a long time and who see their cognitive performance decline.
A study published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine has made a comparison between the effect of lack of sleep and the one related to the consumption of alcohol on cognitive performance of 39 people between 30 and 50 years. The results of some tests have shown that people who were awake for 17-19 hours had a reaction time 50% longer than those who had a blood alcohol 1g / L.
2 - A decline in cognitive performance over the short and long term
One sleepless night could affect your ability to analyze information and to respond. An experiment conducted by the University of Pennsylvania on mice that have suffered prolonged periods of wakefulness showed that they had suffered damage to the nerve cells in the locus coeruleus (part of the brain), responsible for vigilance .
Research conducted on the impact of sleep deprivation among doctors also showed that those who have worked for 24 consecutive hours had a higher risk of error by 400%, with an increase of 73% of injuries due to improper handling of the scalpel and injection needles.
3 - The memory and learning ability
During our sleep cycles, our brain is prepared to learn and assimilate new information and consolidate our memory. When these cycles are disrupted, it causes a memory deficit and difficulty remembering what we have learned recently. In addition, a study by the University of Rochester in the US has shown that lack of sleep significantly increased the risk of Alzheimer's disease. 
This is because our brain performs a self-detoxification and eliminating waste during sleep, particularly beta-amyloid proteins that play an important role in causing the disease.
4 - Emotions boil
Fatigue from sleep disorders puts the mind to the test and nerves on edge. Indeed, insufficient sleep affects the functioning of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex that govern our emotions and act as a brake on their rampage.
5 - Decreased immune function and impaired health status
Lack of sleep has the same effect on the immune system as stress or different diseases. Not having a long rest period that allows it to regulate its production of hormones and control the various functions of its organs, the body becomes more susceptible to various disorders such as excessive weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. Moreover, a study conducted by the University of Chicago shows that each lack of hour of sleep increases the risk of hypertension by about 37%.
To help you regulate your sleep and prevent health problems that may arise from your repetitive insomnia, here are some tips to follow.
How to recover your sleep and avoid insomnia causes?
1 - Regulate the  biological clock
To keep pace with natural sleep, it is important to preserve the balance of its internal biological clock. By exposure to the evening light, the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) by the pineal gland is inhibited. Conversely, a decrease of the brightness increases the secretion of this hormone. This is why it is advisable to reduce the use of tablets and other Smartphones including blue light delays the body clock and helps insomnia. Moreover, a study conducted by researchers from the University of Stuttgart and Basel confirmed this by showing that the screens excited the brain and its awakening prolonged by slowing the secretion of melatonin.
2 - Do not overheat the bedroom
According to health experts, the ideal temperature for a bedroom is between 18 and 20 ° C. This is due to the need of the body to cool to a few tenths of degree to get ready to sleep. Besides, this is why it is advisable to take a warm bath an hour before going to bed By increasing the heat of the body, the bath enhances sweating which, after a while result in low body temperature.
3 - Ensure a sleep environment
To sleep better and avoid excitation source, it is advisable to paint the walls of your bedroom with soft colors like pastel and avoid hang posters or flashing lights that may constantly draw your attention and keep you from relaxing. In addition, the room should be dark as much as possible to allow your body clock to trigger the secretion of melatonin. You should also turn off all appliances that can generate a magnetic field because it disrupts the functioning of the pineal gland responsible for the sleep hormone. Ideally, no TV, computer, tablet or smartphone in the bedroom.
4 - Treating diseases or disorders causing insomnia
Among the most recurrent causes of nighttime awakenings, sleep apnea. It is characterized by airway obstruction and therefore an interruption of breathing that typically lasts 10 seconds but can reach up to 30 seconds in some people. It occurs most often in the elderly, overweight or who snore. These pauses in breathing can occur 5 to 30 times per hour, and awake the person who finds it hard to sleep afterwards. Si it is important to treat this apnea disorder.