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Why Sleep With a Cell Phone Under Your Pillow is Dangerous

Why Sleep With a Cell Phone Under Your Pillow is Dangerous


The particularity of the cell phone, since its inception, is its utility at any time of day and in any place. However, it may represent a potential danger, when under your pillow while you sleep, because of your exposure to electromagnetic waves.
The harmful effects of cell phones on the brain are now undeniable. It is common knowledge that sleeping with your mobile phone on the nightstand or under the pillow is a very bad idea, because the device emits electromagnetic radiation to which you are exposed heavily all night. Most doctors disagree, therefore, to sleep with a phone on with itself.
Dr. Joel Moskovitz, director of Family and Community Health Center at the University of California, confirms various dangers of cell phone. Like the World Health Organization (WHO), he argues that mobile phones and all electronic devices in general are potentially dangerous to the body and recommends turning off them at  night.
Sleeping with a phone on
The phones work with ionizing radiation and wavelengths that have harmful effects on the body. They alter the system of self regulation of biological processes, such as the circadian cycle, and disrupts the production of melatonin which is the sleep hormone responsible.
Carrying the phone in pocket
The doctor believes that carrying phone in pocket constantly exposes his genitals to a dangerous level of radiation which may affect the reproductive system.
In this regard, the study conducted on the Norwegian Navy for the use of the mobile phone shows a decrease of mobility, the number and viability of sperm. It is therefore advisable to keep the phone more than two centimeters from the body.
By being in direct and continuous contact with the phone. It is shown that the human being generates an electromagnetic field, this is why it can be submitted to an electrocardiogram or an electroencephalogram, to check his health.
Therefore, continued exposure to electromagnetic pollution can induce symptoms of hyper electro-sensitivity, such as insomnia, headaches, chronic fatigue, tinnitus, visual disturbances and memory and others.
Some basic rules to reduce the effects of the phone:
1- Use a hands-free kit
According to some experts, it is better to communicate by means of a headset, because the radiation is ten times lower.
2- Limit voice
It is recommended not to call in the car,  and reduce the time spent on the phone; so as to limit the electromagnetic waves field as much as possible. SMS would be also the best alternative.
3- Keep a safe distance phone
Many experts advise not to leave the phone turned on under the pillow, or even turn it off at bedtime. But otherwise, it is best to keep it at least 50 cm from the head. They also stipulate not to stick the phone in his ear while talking, but keep a distance of 2 cm.
4- Check the specific absorption rate
The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the level of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a mobile phone on the body. A study known as Gandhi demonstrated that electromagnetic waves affect most severely the brain of children. It would be wise to search the Internet SAR of the device you wish to acquire. You can also find the DAS on the instructions.
In USA, for instance, a law requires cell phone manufacturers a DAS of less than 2 W/kg over 10 g tissue, on the trunk and head.