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Do Men Prefer Blondes Or Brunettes? Here is the answer

Do Men Prefer Blondes Or Brunettes? Here is the answer

Do Men Prefer Blondes Or Brunettes

In terms of attraction between men and women, there is no rule. Each has its own criteria. But according to a recent British study, published by the famous newspaper The Telegraph, men would be more inclined to fall in love with brunettes, contrary to all these misconceptions about the irresistible desire appeal of blondes. And the reasons for this attraction are multiple!

By seeing all these blondes with slim bodies that make the front page of almost all magazines, it is easier for us to believe that they are the incarnation of beauty and that all men love only " they. This British study comes, with proofs to support, to reverse all these clichés and to shout loud and clear that the men prefer the brown ones!

Here's why men are more attracted to brunettes:

A soft and diplomatic nature

One of the first reasons men would have a small preference for browns would be their ability to soothe a harsh environment and resolve difficult situations. They show a lot of gentleness and diplomacy to calm heated spirits and end a dispute or a conflict. Besides, these traits of character make brunettes excellent confidants and agreeable companions.

A bright mind

In addition to their diplomacy, the brunettes are not lacking in intelligence, and know how to get out of business in case of need. They are wise and usually do not make decisions lightly. When coupled, they bring a touch of organization and femininity to the life of their partner. Moreover, their practical and resourceful side pleases men who do not see them as an additional responsibility to assume.

A gift for the management of the home

This point perfectly matches the previous one, since browns are seen by men as more apt to hold and manage a home. They do the housework perfectly and know how to cope with the small problems of everyday life. In addition, they are wiser on the hardware side and are less likely to be tempted by unnecessary purchases.

A mysterious personality

On the personality side, the browns were spoiled. Open and mysterious at the same time, they have the gift of stirring up the curiosity of men and attracting their attention. They are sure of themselves, spontaneous and prefer to remain natural, without lacking spice. So many criteria that bluntly melt men!

A beauty that rarely goes unnoticed
Coquettes to the fingertips, the brunettes attach great importance to the beauty of their bodies. Physical activity for a soft and well sculpted silhouette, care for shiny hair and soft skin ... They embody the femininity. Their clothing aspect is in keeping with the latest trends while adapting perfectly to their morphology. On special occasions, it is enough to add a few touches to turn into genuine canons.

A sulphurous desire attitude

Here we have arrived at the serious things! In the eyes of men, the brunettes would be more sensual. The beauty of their body and their natural curves quickly speed up the temperature in these gentlemen. Moreover, the latter consider them more efficient and more unbridled in bed, which does not fail to make them rise to the seventh heaven.