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How To Make Your Kitchen Feel Incredibly Good And To Keep Mosquitoes At Bay

How To Make Your Kitchen Feel Incredibly Good And To Keep Mosquitoes At Bay

Keep Mosquitoes At Bay

Cooking odors are among the least easy to make out. Indeed, the lingering smell of garlic and onions do not impregnate your hands, it invades the entire house! Here's an easy tip that will change your life.

Harmful commercial products

We tend to buy lots of cleaners and detergents, packed with harmful agents, expensive and environmentally unfriendly, then it is very simple to manufacture its own household products home, effective and safe for you and the environment. The use of aerosols is also very dangerous because every spray, product particles invade the atmosphere instead of reaching directly and only the intended target. They remain suspended in air and are inhaled by you and your loved ones.

Fortunately, there are simple and effective tip to help you get rid of bad odors and give your kitchen a fresh and pleasant scent.

  • A bottle or an empty spray
  • 3 glasses of hot water
  • A tablespoon of baking soda
  • 10 drops of essential oil of citronella or lavender
Instructions :

In an empty spray bottle, add the tablespoon of baking soda sprinkled previously drops of essential oil. Add hot water and shake the bottle well. First spray on an isolated area to see if the preparation does not leave stains. You can use your spray in the kitchen but also in other parts of the house.

Essential oils of lavender or lemongrass delicately deodorant will scent your house, but not only. Indeed, in addition to smelling good, these oils are known for their magical properties.

The cleansing properties of baking soda

Baking soda is a magical powder and essential in every home for its multiple uses. It is effective to deodorize your refrigerator, clean the ceramic plates, unclog clogged drains, etc.

Baking absorbs odors and moisture. It disinfects and overcomes bacteria.

This product is easily found in supermarkets or pharmacies. It is biodegradable, very inexpensive, nonflammable, and is neither toxic nor irritating to the skin and eyes.

Essential lemongrass oil

It is essential, especially in summer, when mosquitoes are invading us. The mosquito repellants sold commercially are becoming more numerous but not so effective because they are toxic, corrosive or even carcinogenic pollutants.

Monoterpene aldehydes and alcohols are molecules of essential oil of citronella that disrupt the nervous system of insects and repel. The smell of lemon strongly dislike, especially if you spray in large quantities.

Moreover, even in case of puncture, these molecules are of natural antiseptics powerful and have great anti-inflammatory properties. The action of this oil on mosquito bites is practically instantaneous: the pain disappears, itching subside and the skin gradually resumes normal color.

Lavender essential oil
The lavender word originates from the Latin word wash. Our ancestors already used to disinfect their clothes or furniture and perfume. She also relaxing faculties and smell encourage rapid sleep onset and a peaceful sleep.