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Signs That Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Fix It Quickly

Signs That Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Fix It Quickly

Signs Body Too Acidic How To Fix It Quickly

Maintain your acid-base balance is essential for good health. When it is disturbed, that is to say when the pH decreases, the body becomes acid, which makes it more vulnerable. But how to know if your body is too acidic, and what are the measures to rebalance the pH? Answer in this article.

To function properly, the body must be neither too acid nor too alkaline. It should ideally have a pH between 7 and 7.5. When that rate falls, it is called high acidity.

This dysfunction is usually caused by poor diet rich in processed foods, and excessive consumption of acid-forming foods such as alcohol, coffee ... Stress and lack of sleep can also lead to high levels of acidity in the body.

The excessive acidity in the body is a fairly common problem and can have many health consequences. This disturbance of acid-base balance of different organic body fluids (blood, saliva ...) can cause both diseases.

Here are some signs that your body is too acidic:

Weight gain

When the body is too acidic, it stimulates insulin secretion. This essential hormone is also known to promote fat accumulation in the body. Acidity can also affect metabolism and slow, which prevents the body from burning fat. The result: weight gain.
So if you are trying to lose weight for a while and you see no results, it may be due to excessive acidity in the body.

Brittle bones

In case of high acidity, the body tries to restore the pH balance by absorbing alkaline nutrients to counter the effect of the acidity. Where does he find? In bone! So, without knowing it, the body tries to solve a problem but creates another. Indeed, drawing bone minerals, they become more fragile.
The effects of the demineralization are felt in the long term and can lead to osteoporosis.

Dental problems

Acidic foods naturally help to increase the acidity of the body, but are not those that we think. Meats, sodas, or alcohol are all foods that contribute to the acidity of the body and deterioration of tooth enamel if consumed excessively.
Make sure you have good oral hygiene, to have healthy teeth.

As pre-mentioned, the body draws nutrient bone to restore neutral pH. Among the substances that absorb, there is calcium, an essential mineral for proper functioning of the body. Only, this calcium deficit will affect the body. Lack of calcium is particularly linked to sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Skin Problems

alkalinity or acidity rates are the factors which determine the nature of the skin. Normally, healthy skin has a slightly acid pH (5.5). This acidity plays a very important role in protecting the skin from bacteria.

However, due to various factors, the pH of the skin can lose its balance, which will change the skin type. It can become drier or oilier and is much less protected.

Muscle aches

If too high acidity in the body, body fluids become less fluid. Result: the distribution of nutrients and oxygen in the tissues and cells becomes slower. Recall that the lack of oxygen in muscle tissue promotes the secretion of lactic acid, a waste product that inhibits the release of calcium, which causes hardening of the muscles and the onset of pain.

How to balance an overly acidic pH?

To reduce acidosis and avoid the consequences that result, it is very important alkalizing the body. Here are some tips to follow:

Stay well hydrated: Water is essential to life, but is also a perfect alkaline element. Drink enough water during the day to prevent dehydration and other health problems.

Drink lemon water: although the lemon is to taste acidic, it has an alkaline power. Prepare lemon water and drink it every day to restore balance your pH and enjoy its many benefits.

Eat green vegetables: Integrate rebalancing of vegetables like asparagus, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, green peppers, zucchini, artichokes, arugula and celery in your diet to reduce the acidity in your body.

Avoid acidifying foods like alcohol, processed foods, sodas and refined sugars.
Increase your intake of magnesium and calcium to keep bones and teeth healthy.

Eat organic: choose if possible organic fruits and vegetables to avoid consuming pesticides and toxins that increase the acidity of the body.