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You Have Been Defrosting Meat Wrong Your Whole Life

You Have Been Defrosting Meat Wrong Your Whole Life

 Defrosting Meat Wrong Your Whole Life

To conserve our food and preserve its quality for consumption, most people resort to freezing, a method that preserves flavors and nutritional value. But at the moment of defrosting, some people do not know how to do it: should the food be left in the open air or put in a refrigerator? Is a small microwave safe? In this article, we will show you the healthiest method to thaw your meat and food, to avoid any loss of flavor!

The advantage of freezing is its ability to gradually cool food before freezing, which slows down the degradation process and thus preserves the texture, color and nutritional value of the preserved food. However, there are some foods that can not withstand freezing, such as leafy green vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, etc.

Freezing rules:

To ensure successful freezing, it is important to ensure that a few rules are followed, including the following:

Freeze food as quickly as possible unless cooked and still hot. In this case, it is recommended to allow them to cool before freezing.
Pack food in freezer bags to prevent bacteria and odors in your freezer.
Never refreeze thawed food, as this breaks the cold chain and bacteria resume activity. So, if you consume it afterwards, you fill up with bacteria, which can lead to food poisoning.

Note on each food the date on which you frozen it to better respect the freezing time.

The best method of defrosting:

To defrost food while maintaining its nutritional value and flavor, it is important to do so gradually without leaving it in the open.

Some people take out their food, especially meat, well in advance or even on the eve of their preparation and place it in the refrigerator to defrost. It is true that this technique allows a progressive thawing which inhibits the proliferation of the bacteria, but it requires a rather long duration, which is not always possible.

In other cases, the microwave is for some the most effective and fastest method. However, the temperature of the food is not always easy to regulate, especially if it does not have a special defrosting program, so that the food can be too hot on one side, with a cooked appearance. That they are still hard and cold on the other. Also, due to the negative effects of microwaves on health, it is strongly recommended not to use it.

The best and quickest way to do this would be to immerse the frozen and packaged food in a basin of cold water, making sure it is fully immersed and change water every 30 minutes or as soon as it Begins to cool. Favorable heat exchange better than air, cold water will allow to defrost the food uniformly, and its cold temperature will prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Thus, your food will be thawed in no time, while being healthy and tasty.