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The Best Homemade Remedy For Hemorrhoids: Even Doctors Recommend it

The Best Homemade Remedy For Hemorrhoids: Even Doctors Recommend it

What is Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a fairly common condition among adults. In most cases, they cause pain and itching, making it an annoying and very inconvenient problem. Drug treatments to relieve hemorrhoids are many, but the natural tricks are probably the best, because they are healthy and pose no health hazard.

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids refer to dilated veins in the anal part, more precisely in the rectum. Normally, at the time of defecation, the veins of the anal area swell, but in the case of hemorrhoids, the latter do not deflate and remain dilated. This is a very well-attended problem affecting men and women, especially between the ages of 40 and 65.

Hemorrhoids are not considered a serious condition, quite the contrary, it is a benign problem, although quite painful and embarrassing.
One can distinguish between two types of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids: are formed inside the rectum but can progress to the outside if they evolve.

External hemorrhoids: are located under the skin at the opening of the rectum. These types of hemorrhoids can swell and become thrombosed (formation of blood clot), in this case they take a blue or even violet color.

Hemorrhoids: causes and symptoms:

Hemorrhoids appear as a result of repeated and prolonged pressure on vessels in the anal or rectal region. This is mainly caused by intense efforts at the time of defecation. Certain factors can nevertheless, favor the appearance of hemorrhoids namely:
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • The premenstrual period
  • The constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • The consumption of spicy dishes
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol consumption

Hemorrhoids, especially external, are painful and cause a feeling of discomfort. They are accompanied by itching, burning sensation and may be swollen. It is very common to observe bleeding and mild pain at the time of defecation.

Generally, hemorrhoids disappear after one or two weeks, following a precise treatment. People who suffer from it often take painkillers as well as emollient laxatives that help soften the stools, which alleviates the pain. But besides these conventional medicines, there are several other natural remedies that alleviate hemorrhoid attacks.

Tip to the potato to relieve hemorrhoids:

Among the most popular tricks to alleviate the pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids, there are the potato poultices.
Thanks to its astringent and calming power, the potato will help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The starch it contains will also act as a decongestant.

How to proceed ?

Wash thoroughly and peel a potato, then grate it without cooking it obviously. Place it in a gauze or fine cloth and apply over the area to be treated. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before removing.

Repeat this tip every day, until you get the results you want.

Another natural tip for fighting hemorrhoids:

The cider vinegar:

Ingredient with many benefits and multiple uses, cider vinegar can be very effective in treating hemorrhoids. Indeed, thanks to its antiseptic and astringent properties, it can help to reduce the itching, relieve the irritations and pains but also to alleviate the swelling of the anal zone.

Simply soak a cotton ball of cider vinegar, diluted in a little water, that you will apply to the hemorrhoids for 30 minutes. You can redo this trick every day.

Tips to Prevent Hemorrhoids:

Increasing fiber intake is probably one of the best ways to prevent it, because it helps to improve intestinal transit and soften stools, which facilitates defecation. It is therefore recommended to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals, since they represent very good sources of dietary fiber.

It is also advisable to drink plenty of water during the day and to do sports on a regular basis in order to improve intestinal functions. Take 20 minutes of walking every day or 3 sessions a week, at a minimum of another discipline of your choice.

Since a prolonged sitting position is one of the risk factors for hemorrhoids, so it is advisable to avoid this, or if you have no choice since you have a sedentary job, try to get up as soon as the occasion presents.