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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast With This Powerful Trick

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast With This Powerful Trick

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast

Stretch marks are a real nightmare for women. Generally associated with cellulite, they are scars that manifest in the form of pink or white zebra that make the skin unsightly. Unlike cellulite, sport is not the solution to get rid of, but you have many tricks to blurring stretch marks. This article proposes 6 natural products to apply to attenuate them, and fast!

Stretch marks would affect more than 75% of pregnant women and a small portion of people who have taken or lost weight brutally. They give an unsightly appearance to the skin and are a source of complexity for young mothers. How to fight them naturally without resorting to laser sessions? A range of solutions is available. You just have to choose the one that suits you.

What is stretch marks?

To understand the phenomenon, one must compare the skin to a tissue that one stretches and releases; It will have lost its elasticity and will no longer be quite the same. Scratches are formed on the skin, which have the appearance of unsightly scars. When a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth, or a person gains weight and then loses weight, the skin, after being stretched to its maximum, loses its elasticity and forms stretch marks mainly on the belly, thighs.

Possible solutions?

Many use surgical procedures, peelings, laser sessions, micro-dermabrasion ... but rarely are the cases completely satisfied. In addition to being expensive and potentially dangerous to the skin, these solutions do not guarantee satisfactory results because each epidermis is different. 

Many factors can influence skin recovery, including age, skin type, sun sensitivity, and diet. But no panic, Mother Nature is so generous that she puts at our disposal several natural products to fade stretch marks and prevent their appearance (especially during pregnancy). It is good to know that stretch marks will never disappear 100% but can be blurred by 75%.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a true skin care remedy. This gel has the effect of regenerating the cells of the epidermis and stimulating the collagen and elastin naturally present in the skin. It moisturizes, soothes and slows down the aging process of the skin. To use, apply aloe vera gel directly on the skin, massage palpate roll with your hands, leave to act for 15 minutes then rinse.

2. Castor oil

Oil in general is a great way to give back to the skin the elasticity that it lost brutally. Vegetable oils are rich in essential fatty acids and provide the skin with suppleness, whether ingested or applied locally. Castor oil is particularly good for treating stretch marks because it is moisturizing and helps to stimulate blood microcirculation to reactivate skin cells, provided it is used frequently in circular massage. It is important that the oil is slightly heated beforehand to ensure better penetration.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon is excellent for fighting stretch marks. These are scars that become white with time. Lemon is antioxidant, moisturizing, lightening and nourishing as it contains a multitude of nutrients. It also helps to regenerate skin cells. To use, rub half a lemon on the stretch marks by performing a circular massage twice a week. Leave for a few minutes before rinsing.

4. Sugar

Sugar, like coffee grounds, is known for its exfoliating virtues for the skin. The stretch marks are then attenuated over the scrubs. It is advisable to combine the sugar with sweet almond oil and lemon juice, then to perform circular massages or the technique of palpate-rolling. This trick is to use for 1 month to see the first effects.

5. Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a particularly moisturizing product because of its content of vitamin E. It contains phytosterols that help to mitigate the effect of scarring responsible for the scratched appearance of the skin. It is an antioxidant that increases the elasticity of the epidermis and improves its appearance. Use it in massage cream combining it with honey (excellent cell regenerator) and vitamin E in the form of ampoule.

6. Olive oil

Olive oil is very rich in antioxidants. It dramatically reduces stretch marks with its essential vitamin E content for healthy skin. One study confirms its preventive effects against stretch marks and observes that it considerably attenuates their appearance. Use lightly heated olive oil on the desired area, massaging well to improve blood circulation. Leave on for 30 minutes to allow total absorption of the oil before rinsing.