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Look at your hands:They Say The Secret To Your Personality

Look at your hands:They Say The Secret To Your Personality

Look at your hands

We all have fingers of different sizes and shapes that can be interpreted to define our traits. Chiropractic is a theory that studies the connection between the shape of the hand and the fingers and our personality. Even if each finger has its own meaning, we will focus here on the little finger by analyzing two elements. On the one hand, its length relative to that of the annular and on the other hand, the three phalanges that compose it.

What is palmistry?

Chiropractic is a divinatory practice that dates back to the dawn of time and consists of studying the shape of the hand and the fingers as well as the lines of the palm to interpret the character traits of a person. It is an art that defines first the type of the hand, its lines and finally the size and shape of the fingers. They have a strong symbolism in palmistry because each of them reveals interesting information about the personality.

The elements analyzed to identify the character traits are the shape of the fingers, their length, their position with respect to the hand, the phalanges and the nails.
  • The thumb is the finger of Venus
  • The index finger is the finger of Jupiter
  • The middle finger is the finger of Saturn
  • The ring finger is the finger of the sun, Apollo
  • The little finger is the finger of Mercury, also called little finger
  • Length of the little finger and personality
  • We will therefore focus on this little finger by first comparing its length with that of the annular in order to decipher the meaning.

It is always smaller than the ring finger just as Mercury never shades the Sun. The little finger is synonymous with finesse, skill and eloquence. The longer it is the more the person is in search of perfection, and the more he is away from the ring finger the more the person has trouble communicating with his entourage.

Proposed image to illustrate:

Form A:

This form of finger is a sign of honesty, people who have rejected the lie and expect the same sincerity in return. These people have trouble expressing their feelings but are very sensitive and have a big heart.

Form B:

Individuals with this form of little fingers are dreamy and romantic with a strong personality. Even if they are independent, when they fall in love they give themselves 100% which tends to make them live in fear of being deceived.

Form C:

People who have this form of finger never experience their emotions and have difficulty in trusting. They know exactly what they want and are whole. Despite an excessive ego, they are in fact very sensitive.
Analysis of phalanges

After studying the shape and length of the little finger with respect to the ring finger, we now proceed to its analysis through its three phalanges.
They are also very important in palmistry because their characteristics provide precise information and complement those provided by the fingers. They identify the potential and gaps of individuals through their shape, length and the fingers to which they belong.

First phalanx:

Linked to the palm, it represents everything that touches concrete realities: the domain of the earth, physical needs and nature.
If it is long, it means that the material side of the personality is relativized by a lighter side linked to instinct. Nevertheless, the attraction for physical needs remains omnipresent.

If it is knotty, it reveals that the person is somewhat frustrated because it fails to achieve its goals. She can be a little tough to live with, but has a great ability to concentrate in her work.

Second phalanx:

It represents the balance between immediate needs and imaginary needs. It determines how the person tends to imagine his / her future and how important it is to others.

A long phalanx identifies developed intellectual abilities and a great sense of reflection. The individual who is endowed with it tends to measure the possible risks that he will face during his professional career.

A knotty phalanx denotes a tendency to live a peaceful life by prioritizing wisdom and a concrete reality to the detriment of unforeseen and spontaneous situations.

Third phalanx:

It corresponds to the domain of the dream, the ideal and the enrichment of the secret garden. They express the abstract, the imagination and potential hidden talents.

A long phalanx demonstrates that the individual is attracted by a beautiful and fanciful world and that he wants to share his ideals with people having the same attraction for the field of the dream.

A knotty phalanx means that the person is materialistic and that she is very interested in money. Even if it does not have a creative mind, it has an analytical mind developed.