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Everyone Speaks About This Natural Hair Growth Serum: The Results Are Visible After Only Few Uses

Everyone Speaks About This Natural Hair Growth Serum: The Results Are Visible After Only Few Uses

Growth Serum

Your hair is so weak and brittle that you have to cut it? You want to stop the fall of your hair while strengthening their structure and moisturizing them deeply? Discover this beautiful natural serum that will help you stimulate their growth by strengthening them and making them more beautiful and brighter!

Hair loss is one of the common aesthetic problems for men and women. Favored by various factors, it may cause localized hair loss (alopecia) which does not fail to have a very negative effect on the psychology of the people who suffer from it and on their self-esteem.

The main causes of hair loss are:
  • Genetic
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, lactation, menopause, thyroid disorders ...)
  • A deficiency of vitamins and minerals,
  • An allergy or food intolerance,
  • The stress,
  • Some diseases,
  • The too frequent application of chemical colorations and hair products,
  • Hairdresses too tight

According to a new American study, high exposure to noise or music, would also cause hair loss. Indeed, scientists claim that at over 85 decibels, sound is capable of destroying capillary cells.
To stop this fall and restore your weak and brittle hair, here is an amazing natural remedy.

Remedy to stimulate hair growth:

  • ½ banana
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
  • ½ cup of beer


In a bowl, thoroughly mix all ingredients until smooth and homogeneous. Then apply your serum to the whole of your scalp, insisting on bare areas, if any, then cover the head of a shower cap, or in the absence of food film. Let it sit for one or two hours, then wash your hair with a mild natural shampoo. Make an application once a week, and you will see results after only a few weeks.

How does this serum work?

Beer: Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B8 and B9, in protein, water and mineral salts, beer is an excellent care for hair. It helps to repair and fortify damaged cuticles, to preserve the hydration of the hair thanks to its acidity which closes the cuticles, which translates to a stronger capillary structure and a stimulation of the growth of the hair. Moreover, the beer makes it easier to disentangle the hair, which prevents their breaking, and gives them more brilliance and volume.

Egg Yolk: Rich in proteins and healthy fats, egg yolk is extremely nourishing for hair, especially those that are dry and fine, to which it brings hydration and nutrients they need to find Strength and flexibility. Egg yolk also helps to cleanse the scalp and hair follicles, thus fighting against the appearance of various hair problems including dandruff and fall.

Banana: With a high content of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, banana is a real source of nutrients for the body, the skin and the hair. By applying it on the latter, it allows to nourish and strengthen them and to prevent fractures and split ends, which are generally responsible for your regular passage to the hairdresser to cut them. In addition, its nourishing and moisturizing properties stimulate the growth of hair that grows softer, softer and brighter.

Honey: This natural sweetener is full of antioxidants and nutrients essential for healthy hair. Moreover, its various nourishing, moisturizing, healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help to rid the hair of the various impurities that cling to it, to cleanse the scalp and to fight against the infections and the capillary problems which favor the fall hair. Honey also has the ability to retain water molecules in the hair structure, which ensures an intense hydration, a softer appearance and a softer and softer feel.