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Here Are The 7 Organs You Can Live Without

Here Are The 7 Organs You Can Live Without

 7 Organs You Can Live Without

Although each organ has a specific function, it is possible to live without some. Here are the 7 internal parts of your body from which you can separate.

1. A lung

Even if a lung is removed during an operation called pneumonectomy, the other will always provide 70 to 80% of lung function. The only disadvantage is that the part of the breast from which the lung is removed deflates and the cavity becomes throated with a liquid which hardens and turns into gel.

2. A kidney

Like the lungs, the kidneys form a pair. These two glands are found in the lower back, on either side of the vertebral column. They filter uric acid and other waste and rid the body of it in the form of urine. The kidneys also balance the salt and water levels in the body to ensure that the body fluids are somewhat alkaline.

Although their function is crucial, it is possible to live a long and healthy life without one of them. Indeed, a person can just survive with a kidney. It is advisable to be followed by a nephrologist and avoid contact sports.

3. The stomach

It is only a bag to retain and digest food. If the stomach contains a tumor, it can be removed with the esophagus directly attached to the small intestine. In some types of bariatric surgery, the stomach is either removed or is deliberately undergone bypass surgery. The rest of the gastrointestinal tract is arranged to ensure that the patient can eat only a small amount of food. Patients also take nutritional supplements to ensure they have enough nutrients on a daily basis.

A person whose stomach has been removed should avoid blind eye syndrome. It is a gastroenterological pathology that manifests itself by a lesion that can lead to the appearance of a stop of digestion, due to a proliferation of microbes inside the digestive tract. Symptoms of this disease (fainting, sweating, low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, nausea, etc.) appear when food and fluids penetrate the small intestine too quickly.

4. The spleen

This organ is located below the diaphragm and to the left, a little behind the stomach. It has the size of a fist in adults. It is deep, purple colored, soft and spongy.

The spleen helps to filter foreign materials from the blood and is a reservoir for damaged red blood cells. When the body needs more blood, the spleen releases the globules it has stored. Some doctors claim that the function of the spleen is to help other organs do their job because it can be removed without any sequelae. It is usually removed if it is damaged or starts to destroy healthy blood cells and platelets, causing anemia or internal bleeding.

5. The thymus

This gray and pink gland does not even need to be removed under surgery because it withdraws itself. It is a lymphoid organ located between the lungs and behind the sternum. It is active until puberty and then begins to disintegrate in the form of body fat. It makes hormones that help T cells become mature and function well.

6. The Thyroid

It is an endocrine gland located in the neck. Each person has a lobe on either side of the trachea. The thyroid takes iodine from the blood and uses it to make hormones like thyroxine. This substance is directly released into the bloodstream, penetrates the cells and transforms into a thyroid hormone. These hormones help the cells to change oxygen and nutrients into energy and heat. One can live without this gland but one will then have to take thyroid hormones for life.

7. The reproductive organs

Sometimes the reproductive organs (ovaries, for example) must be removed because of injury or illness. One can perfectly live without them although it is sometimes necessary to supplement the hormones that they produced.

Nature has done the right thing by creating certain duplicate members and organs and ensuring that their disappearance is not fatal.