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She Wore Ponytails And Chignons Every Day - This Is How She Looks Like Today

She Wore Ponytails And Chignons Every Day - This Is How She Looks Like Today

Symptoms of Alopecia

Hair loss is a scourge that affects most of the men and women at some point in their lives. The norm is to lose between 50 and 100 hair a day, beyond that one speaks of alopecia. It is a gradual and diffuse fall of the hair which lose in density and become more and more fine.

Symptoms of Alopecia

Alopecia does not have the same impact in a man as in a woman. As disturbing as it may be in a man, it is more difficult to admit and manage in a woman. Today, it is considered "normal" to see men bald or suffering from baldness, this is rooted in manners, which is not really the case for women. A bald or balding woman appeals more than a man.

Alopecia manifests itself by a diffuse fall of the hair (more than one hundred per day), the hair becomes finer and some areas even tend to get rid of, especially at the top of the skull, temples and central stripe. Although the condition appears to be predominantly at the age of 35, some adolescents may suffer from the age of fifteen.

Causes of Alopecia

The causes of alopecia in women are numerous, here are the most important.

- A hormonal imbalance can be the cause of an important fall of the hair because the hormones favor their growth, in particular the estrogens and the progesterone that the woman holds in large quantity. If she suffers from a deficit of these two hormones, this can slow hair growth and weaken the follicles.

This imbalance can be caused by taking the pill, menopause or even puberty. The female body undergoes changes and the hormonal balance is thus disrupted which tends to make the hair thin and less dense.

- Stress is also an important factor in hair loss. If the person undergoes a period of intense stress, this secretes sebum in large quantities which is a factor of hyperseborrhoea (consequence of an overproduction of sebum that gives the scalp a greasy and shiny aspect) and eventually fall hair.

- Immediately after childbirth, women experience a severe hair loss called postpartum alopecia. During pregnancy, the estrogen level is higher than normal, but following the delivery it decreases and causes a temporary loss of hair, it lasts six months before everything returns in order.

- Certain chemical treatments such as smoothing, dyeing and wicks are detrimental to the hair and can ultimately damage them. The repetitive use of smoothing irons and hair dryers is also discouraged. The best is to no longer use these methods and make vitamins cures to strengthen the hair.

One of the causes that one tends to neglect is traction alopecia. This is the adoption of a certain style of hairstyles that require to tie the hair very tightly, we think especially ponytails and chignons. Tying the hair exerts strong pressure and pulls them out of their follicles. Women suffering from traction alopecia are mainly those who practice classical dance, figure skating, synchronized swimming and gymnastics.

This is particularly the case of Diva Hollands, an old ballerina who started suffering from alopecia at thirteen. Having begun classical dance at an early age, the fact that her hair has been tightly clothed forever has led to an important fall of hair, which first appeared at the top of the skull and which earned her the mockery of her Comrades at school because of his bald brow. This situation has long complicated and pushed her to undergo a hair transplant in order to be able to accept and open to others. This graft metamorphosed it and gave it a taste for life.

As soon as you notice a hair loss greater than normal, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause and prescribe the proper treatment. There are three stages related to alopecia, when the fall occurs at the top of the head, it is stage one, then we speak of moderate alopecia; For stage two, it concerns people whose baldness is one centimeter behind the forehead, we speak of frank alopecia and finally stage three corresponds to total alopecia (extremely rare in women).