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10 Bad Habits That Can Destroy Your Relationship

10 Bad Habits That Can Destroy Your Relationship

Bad Habits That Can Destroy Your Relationship

In a relationship, both partners must make efforts and ensure that they never sink into routine to avoid going into a negative spiral. Of course, keeping a relationship afloat is not always easy, but everyone has to avoid certain habits of everyday life.

Living under the same roof as your partner requires making concessions in order to adapt to the habits of the other.

Here are ten habits to avoid for your couple to get better.

Lying to your partner

A relationship based on lying does not predict anything good because lack of honesty marks the end of the couple. Even the little lies that you think are not very important may come back to haunt you. To avoid getting there, always play the transparency card.

Spy Your Partner

One of the things that could seriously put your couple at risk is spying! Spying on your partner's every move by searching his phone, reading his messages and e-mails, hacking his Facebook account, and even watching his comings and goings are detrimental to your couple. You will not solve your confidence problems in this way, behave as an adult and talk to your half about your possible doubts.

Compare your partner to your ex

If you spend your time comparing your partner to your ex, you'd better leave him / her and go back to live in the past. This comparison can be a source of conflict because your partner will feel downgraded and will feel that he or she is not up to the task. If you are not able to accept the person who shares your life for what it is, you are wrong.

Trying to change your partner

The fact of wanting to shape and shape your half to your sauce will eventually fatigue it and give it the impression that it is not sufficiently up to par. Wanting to make some small defects disappear is one thing, but trying to put in place a total metamorphosis is a lack of consideration. Learn to love your partner as he / she is!

Criticize your partner's family

Do not always get along with his in-laws is a universal fact, but it's not a reason to constantly criticize them and avoid them advitam eternam. By behaving thus, you show that you attach no importance to them. Whatever your tolerance threshold, you should take it on yourself and show yourself amenable with them for the sake of your relationship.

Take your partner for granted

Never rest on your laurels and remember that you must constantly make your partner feel that you love him as the first day. Despite the ups and downs and whatever the length of the relationship, never take your partner for granted. Continue to be grateful, help, compliment, surprise and above all love!

Constantly keep accounts

To be in a couple is also to accept and give and not spend his time to make apothecary accounts to try to find out who has spent what and who brings the most money to finance the household. We must learn to share both tasks and responsibilities and revenues.

Do not forgive

No one is perfect and everybody makes mistakes, you have to know to forgive and move on. The fact of always putting on the carpet the mistakes committed in the past as soon as a dispute breaks out risks taking you straight into the wall.

Avoiding Confrontations

A true relationship is not only based on love, passion and romance. For it to be healthy, it must be embellished with small disputes here and there that do good! Emptying the bag in case of need does good and allows to move forward, on the other hand avoid confrontation and make the ostrich risk to implode the couple.

Being jealous

Showing jealousy from time to time may be flattering but being on the verge of hysteria as soon as your partner comes out without you risking real tensions between the two of you. Learn how to trust him and stop blasting yourself with black ideas!