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A Simple Trick To Stop Snoring That Everyone Should Know

A Simple Trick To Stop Snoring That Everyone Should Know

 Stop Snoring

To stop snoring ! What would you give to restore a deep, restful sleep?  earplugs, elbow and finger snaps have not been right with the roar of the jet plane that shares your bed? Keep hope, you can always hope to spend better nights simply by taking the time to consult our survival kit, based on natural remedies and daily reflexes to adopt to end these raucous party raging.

Bring the guilty party in!

France has between 10 and 20 million snorers. Some stunning specimens can emit sounds as discreet as a chainsaw. What cause, by force, persistent tinnitus and headache to the spouse. While it is usually benign, snoring not only endangers the peacefulness of the nights but also that of the households and can sometimes predict more serious problems, such as sleep apnea, a pathology that is not the least, Likely to cause serious complications.

The snoring is due to the collapse of the pharynx and the vibration of the muscle tissues of the throat as the air passes. Nasal congestion due to infections or colds, nasal septum deflection, overweight, bulky tonsils, elongated uvula, sinusitis and thick palate veil are all factors that thicken the tissues of the throat And make the passage of air difficult and therefore more turbulent, thus predisposing to snoring.

Other causes:
  • Cigarette
  • Taking sedatives that cause respiratory tract congestion

The alcohol consumption in the evening that acts as a muscle relaxant and softens the muscle tissues of the throat, complicating the passage of air

A bad position in the bed that favors the collapse of the soft tissues of the throat. The buzzer should sleep on the right side to prevent the heart from being compressed and to keep the head straight in the axis of the spine.

Snoring can have an impact on the person's partner, as the high enough turbulence will eventually lead to insomnia, irritability, and cardiovascular disease.

How to remedy it naturally?

Wake the other every 5 minutes with nose tweezers or kicks, a tennis ball stitched in his pajamas ... All you have left is the option to make room! Maybe you have not yet tested these attenuating remedies?

To avoid snoring, it is essential to decongest the airways. The buzzer will be able to install a diffuser of essential oil of lavender, and to make baths of vapor of eucalyptus which release the mucous membranes. The eucalyptus / ginger mixture in decoction is just as powerful.

The expectorant infusions of nettle, fennel, mint, cardamom or sage in a little water, to drink one hour before going to bed, help to regain a restful sleep.

Boiled onion has proven decongestant benefits, and filtered water softened with red sugar to drink 2 hours before sleep is unstoppable against snoring.

The saline solutions allow to activate the breathing through the nose and thus not to sleep with the mouth open. Mix half a spoonful of salt and half a spoonful of baking soda in a cup of lukewarm water, put the mixture in a mini spray and do nasal sprays.

Sleeping on the side will not change much for the snorer suffering from overweight. It is therefore important to lighten a few pounds.

Anti-snoring recipe

You are given a juice recipe that has the merit of strengthening the immune system, acting on the accumulated mucus in the throat and significantly alleviating snoring problems.

You will need:
  • 2 organic carrots
  • 2 organic apples
  • A fresh ginger root (2 inch)
  • ¼ lemon organic

Mix all the ingredients with their peels in a blender. If the taste is too pronounced, it is preferable to dilute the juice in mineral water. Consume in the morning on an empty stomach or before meals.

If snoring persists, it is advisable to consult an ENT doctor ( Otolaryngologist) .