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Every Night Before You Go To Bed, Drink This Mixture :  Amazing Thing Will Happen To Your Body

Every Night Before You Go To Bed, Drink This Mixture : Amazing Thing Will Happen To Your Body

Every Night Before You Go To Bed

To have good mental and physical health, it is important to have adequate and restful sleep. But with the stress and tensions of everyday life, it often happens that sleep disorders appear and that the person who suffers from it has difficulty falling asleep or is subject to several nocturnal awakenings. To help you regain the quality of your sleep, here is a natural infusion as effective as sleeping pills!

We all know that sleep is an essential condition for our well-being, both physically and mentally, because it is by sleeping that several functions of our body take place and that our brain detoxifies and eliminates its waste. However, few people know the effects of lack of sleep on the body.

The effects of sleep deprivation on health

Generally, people who sleep months than the recommended 7 hours per night, are at higher risk for several health problems, starting with obesity. Having a tendency to overcome their lack of energy by heavier and fatter meals, as well as by snacking and sweet cravings, they promote the storage of fats in their bodies. Moreover, in addition to the weight gain generated, these bad habits also have a bad influence on the blood sugar level, and increase the risks of several diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer . This, not to mention the weakness of the immune system, irritability, memory and concentration disorders, and the dull and tired physical appearance.

What are the causes of sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders can be caused by several factors including:

Stress or extreme emotional states (examinations, loss of a loved one, professional constraints ...)

Modification of the sleep environment (hotel room, light too strong, noise ...)

A stay at altitude, due to the lack of oxygen in the ambient air

Taking certain exciting substances such as alcohol, caffeine, drugs or medications

The consumption of meals too copious in the evening

Some health disorders: sleep apnea, pain, nocturnal enuresis, etc.

To help you fall asleep and regain a deep, restful sleep, discover the recipe for this natural infusion with powerful relaxing powers.

Infusion of banana and cinnamon for a better sleep:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 organic banana
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.


In a saucepan, pour the water and bring it to a boil. Then, rinse your organic banana to remove the dirt, and cut off both ends, without peeling. Put your banana in the pot of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Once this time is over, remove from the heat and filter your infusion, then add the cinnamon to improve the taste. Your cure is so ready and you just need to consume it an hour before going to bed. Do it every day until your condition improves.

Caution :

Cinnamon should be consumed in moderation. An overdose may cause gastric irritation, an acceleration of the heartbeat and even poisoning. It is not recommended for children and pregnant women.

How does banana affect the quality of sleep?

This fruit and especially its skin are very rich in magnesium, a mineral known for its powerful virtues against the stress, the anxiety, the mood swings, the depression, etc. In addition, bananas also contain a significant amount of potassium, the combination of which with magnesium helps to relax the body's muscles and facilitate sleep. The banana also contains a significant amount of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the secretion of melatonin, better known as sleep hormone.

Why cinnamon?

In addition to its distinct flavor that improves the taste of your infusion, cinnamon will also allow you to enjoy better digestion and a more fluid intestinal transit, which will help you fall asleep. In addition, it improves blood circulation, which reduces some sleep disturbing symptoms, such as heavy legs, tingling and cold sensation in the lower limbs.

Other tips to improve your sleep:

  • Reduce your stress and anxiety levels
  • Adopt a healthy and balanced diet to avoid deficiencies, especially magnesium
  • Practicing regular physical activity
  • Establish a sleep routine to prepare your body and your brain for sleep.