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Get Rid of Belly Fat With This Natural Drink

Get Rid of Belly Fat With This Natural Drink

If you notice that you start to get a little overweight at your stomach it can be due to several reasons: the accumulation of abdominal fat, a swollen abdomen or even water retention. Whatever the cause, having the feeling of having taken belly is never pleasant, but fortunately there is an infallible recipe to remedy it.

If you notice that your belly is more swollen than usual and has become flabby, do not panic! Abdominal fat often tends to accumulate whether you are a thin person or well. They are adipose deposits that are resistant to many diets and even to the practice of sport.

Especially since your belly can be flat on awakening and bloated at the end of the day, which results from the ingestion of foods and products that promote bloating. This is the case for soft drinks, raw vegetables and legumes.

To remedy this, there is no need to resort to strict and binding regimes and slimming institute sessions. Turn to natural products that are full of benefits and help you regain a flat stomach.

In this article, we offer you the recipe for an inexpensive and simple drink to make at home.

Ginger, Cucumber and Mint Lemonade Recipe

  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 1 organic cucumber
  • 2 teaspoons fresh ginger
  • 10 mint leaves


Start by infusing the mint in 250 milliliters of boiling water for a few minutes and then out of the fire let rest five minutes.

Extract three pieces of lemon zest to mix with the lemonade and squeeze it to retrieve the juice.

Cut the cucumber into thin slices. In a bottle, put all the ingredients and mix well. Allow to cool for 2 hours before consuming. Some people prefer to put this drink in the refrigerator overnight but the active ingredients of the lemon are more effective the same day.

This 2-liter beverage should be drunk - preferably with a straw due to the abrasive action of the lemon on the teeth - throughout the day, essentially after each meal. If you accompany it with a balanced diet and regular sports practice you will be able to get a flat stomach.

The Benefits of Ingredients

The lemon :

The ascorbic acid contained in this citrus facilitates digestion and makes it easier for food to break down and nutrients to be absorbed. Moreover, the fact that it is composed of pepsin (enzyme that helps digest food) helps to better benefit from proteins while burning fat.
The fact that lemon is so acid increases the sensation of satiety, simplifies digestion, eliminates bloating and burns fat. It is effective as part of a slimming program because it stimulates the metabolism effectively.
If you suffer from kidney and biliary disorders and stomach ulcer avoid using this drink.

Ginger :

It is quite possible to lose abdominal fat by consuming ginger because it is an effective anti-inflammatory that contains a miracle substance called gingerol. This compound ensures proper functioning of the intestines and stomach, promotes digestion, avoids gas and reduces fat. Added to the ingredients of lemonade, it becomes an infallible remedy to deflate the abdomen.

Ginger, however, is not recommended for pregnant women, stunted people or people with a blood disorder and diabetes.

Mint :

Beyond its pleasant odor and the freshness it brings, mint has digestive properties and helps prevent acidity in the stomach. It is anti-inflammatory, ensures the absorption of nutrients and improves the flow of bile necessary for the digestion of fats.

Moreover, this aromatic plant relaxes the muscles and thus facilitates the passage of the gases which helps to reduce the bloating of the abdomen. It also acts as an appetite suppressant and limits the desire to nibble.

The cucumber :

Cucumber is known for its detoxifying properties, especially in cosmetic treatments that hydrate the skin and reduce dark circles. It is an excellent diuretic that easily eliminates fluids and prevents certain infections that can swell the abdomen such as cystitis.

Vegetable rich in water (96%), it is a rich source of hydration all the more if it is mixed with water. It ensures a fiber intake that allows the elimination of toxins and facilitates digestion.

Rich in vitamin B, you can also benefit from its energizing properties by consuming this drink.