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A Homemade Cream For A Sublime Skin Without Brown Spots

A Homemade Cream For A Sublime Skin Without Brown Spots

Homemade Cream For A Sublime Skin

Brown spots are a phenomenon that affects both men and women and is mainly due to the aging of the skin. Being a little aesthetic, people affected by these spots try to get rid of them by any means. We present, in this article, a homemade cream that will help you to blend the brown spots with ingredients just out of your kitchen.

The causes of brown spots:

Brown spots, can appear at any age but are most often the result of aging skin. They touch much more the clear skins and generally appear on the parts most exposed to the sun like the face, the décolleté and the hands.

These small pigment spots are caused by a dysregulation of the pigment cell of the epidermis, called melanocyte, which has the function of synthesizing melanin. When the latter is produced in excess, we speak of hyperpigmentation and therefore of brown spots.

This overproduction of melanin can be caused by various factors:

Hormonal changes:

Pregnancy can be a cause of the appearance of brown spots. Indeed, a good number of pregnant women are affected by skin hyperpigmentation, also called "pregnancy mask", "chloasma" or "melasma". This is a problem related to hormonal variations that affect much more women with dull skin.

Note, however, that melasma may also be due to the use of contraceptive pills heavily dosed with estrogens and which modify the hormonal balance.

Exposure to the sun:

Excessive exposure to the sun promotes the production of melanin, to protect the skin against UV. This action increases the risk of the appearance of brown spots, called "solar lentigo".

The acne:

The healing of acne pimples can leave brown spots on the skin. In some cases, they do not disappear and remain visible.

Aging :

With age, people are more likely to see brown spots appear on their faces. Be aware that from the age of 40, the process of regeneration of the skin slows down.

How to blend the brown spots?

There are several dermatological treatments, involving the use of laser, to eliminate brown spots, but the natural tricks are also very effective and without side effects.

The natural anti-brown spots recipe

The main ingredient is buttermilk. Apply small amounts directly to the affected areas, then allow it to dry before rinsing in warm water.
You can also mix the buttermilk with honey, or tomato juice, then apply the mixture in the same way on the spots.

Benefits of Ingredients:

The buttermilk:

Buttermilk, like all other dairy products, is an excellent source of lactic acid. This substance which improves the hydration of the skin also has a keratolytic action, that is to say that it is a perfect exfoliator which facilitates the elimination of dead skin cells.

Buttermilk also promotes cell regeneration, which helps to blend brown spots and have a lighter and healthier skin.

The tomato :

It is much appreciated on our plates for its distinct taste, but the tomato is also full of benefits for health and skin.
Rich in water and vitamins and minerals, tomato is a powerful antioxidant and moisturizer that nourishes the skin and cleanses it. This fruit can also be effective to tighten dilated pores, but also to treat imperfections of the skin, thanks to its acidity and restorative action.

Honey :

Since antiquity, honey has always been an essential element in skin care routines. It is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that nourish the skin and protect it from the effects of free radicals.

Honey is also known for its healing, soothing and moisturizing power, making it a great ally for radiant skin and without imperfections. This natural sweetener also helps to remove stains.

Another tip to eliminate brown spots:

Lemon, rich in citric acid which is considered a powerful natural lightening, can help to blend brown spots. Soak a cottonseed of lemon juice and apply it on the area to be treated. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing. Attention this trick is to do at night, because the lemon is photo-sensitizing. Do not exceed twice a week.