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Here's How I Lost 176  Lbs. Everyone Can Do It

Here's How I Lost 176 Lbs. Everyone Can Do It

How I Lost 176  Lbs

Contrary to preconceived ideas, it is not necessarily necessary to comply with binding rules to lose weight. Often, deprivation leads to short-term weight loss that you will find it very hard to stabilize after a period of bans. On the contrary, it is even probable that you take back the kilos you have managed to lose. Here is the testimony of Laurence who lives in Paris. She managed to lose 80 kg in 2 years by applying serious changes in her way of life. More junk food, less stress, and above all a desire to regain the keys to health. Here are his best tips.

Dilute your juices

What better than a good fresh juice to quench its thirst? Nevertheless beware because a freshly squeezed juice is very sweet and contains little fiber. A glass of 250 milliliters of pressed orange juice is composed of double calories and fibers that an entire orange and four times less fiber. It is therefore advisable to dilute your fresh fruit juices with water in order to decrease the amount of calories. Better yet, opt for fruit-infused waters.

Limit yourself

During your meals, make it a habit to eat slowly and chew your food well. If you eat fast, your stomach will not have time to send a message to the brain to warn it is full and you will continue to eat even if you are no longer hungry. Once you have eaten 80% of your usual serving, stop. 20 minutes is the time required for the signal to be transmitted between the two organs. You will then notice that you are already full.

Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is renowned for being the most important meal of the day. If it is copious, it provides the necessary energy and vitamins to face the day and avoid snacking during the morning. Attention, copious does not mean fat. Consume healthy, high-fiber products: sugar-free green tea, two slices of whole-grain bread, butter, almond milk yogurt and seasonal fruit.

Remove 100 calories per day

A hundred calories equals a handful of chips. Eliminating 100 calories per day equals 700 calories per week and would lose up to 4 pounds in one year. To do this, adopt good eating habits by replacing cheese in your pasta with vegetables and nibbling carrots sticks or cherry tomatoes instead of crisps.

Organize your meals

The best way to lose weight effectively is to set up a program and adhere to it. As for your meals, you should decrease their contents gradually during the day. Eat a hearty breakfast and lunch that will give you a sensation of satiety without giving in to nibbling, and lighten your dinner. Such a routine will allow you to burn as much calories during the day. On the other hand, if you eat copiously in the evening, you will find it harder to get rid of the calories ingested and these will be stored in your body in the form of fat.

Do not forget, king breakfast, prince lunch and poor dinner!

Walk 30 minutes a day

As part of a diet, healthy eating is always accompanied by regular physical activity. It is recommended to walk at least 30 minutes per day to burn about 120 calories, if that is the case you will burn more than 43,000 calories per year, or 6 kilograms of fat. This practice also helps speed up metabolism and maintain a healthy weight.

In addition, walking 30 minutes a day greatly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 27%.

Control the amount of what you eat

We all have the annoying habit of opening a packet of chips and plunging their hand to eat some of them and realize a few minutes later that the package is empty. This method does not make it possible to measure the quantity of what you eat, so there is a risk of letting you go and eating everything without even realizing it. To remedy this, use a bowl or a small plate and put a handful of the products you want to consume.


As early as 30 years, muscle mass decreases by 1% per year to give way to fat mass. That's why the more you get older the more you tend to take pounds. Muscle wasting is due in particular to insufficient physical activity. It is therefore necessary to remedy this by enrolling you in a gym to strengthen and strengthen your body and at the same time burn calories.