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Here's How To Whiten Your Teeth :GIVE IT A TRY

Here's How To Whiten Your Teeth :GIVE IT A TRY

whiten your teeth

Today, having healthy, white teeth is often synonymous with good health and beauty. Teeth are a reflection of oral hygiene, irreproachable or unsatisfactory. If this is the case, it is noticeable by yellow teeth that have lost their luster. Now, a bright smile of whiteness makes you feel good about yourself and not having any complexity.

More and more people are seeking to use whitening methods that have been tarnished over time by the coloring effect of tobacco, alcohol, tea and coffee or poor dental hygiene. It is possible to purchase whitening kits and tooth whitening products in a pharmacy for home use or to visit a specialist for laser dental bleaching or lamp techniques. But there are also natural products that allow a bright smile of whiteness without damaging its teeth.

The benefits of natural products on teeth whitening

Fortunately, there are also natural tricks that make it possible to find white teeth thanks to the use of ingredients that promote teeth whitening. These include baking soda and lemon.

- The lemon has an abrasive and acid power that will act on the tartar and decrease the formation of the dental plaque. However, at high doses, it can weaken the enamel and demineralize the teeth. It is therefore advisable to use lemon only twice a week.

To do this, simply soak his toothbrush in lemon juice and brush.

- Baking soda as for it, is composed of microcrystals that have an abrasive action against the spots to make them disappear. Its use is simple and inexpensive, just moisten the toothbrush, sprinkle on a little bit of bicarbonate and brush your teeth normally.
Just like the lemon trick, do not use this method more than twice a week and make sure to rinse your mouth with clear water after the operation.

This being just a reminder of the effectiveness of these two products known for their whitening effect, we will now offer you an infallible trick that requires the use of only two ingredients.

Special natural whitening toothpaste

This recipe stems from research carried out in 2012 by researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland, which showed that the use of turmeric and coconut oil would promote teeth whitening. A regular use of this mixture as a whitening toothpaste would eliminate the yellowing of the teeth and the bacteria that spread in the oral cavity.

Here's how to prepare this natural formula to regain a bright smile.

  • One teaspoon of cold-pressed virgin coconut oil
  • Two turmeric capsules
  • A few drops of peppermint essential oil (optional)


In a small ramekin, pour the coconut oil then add the turmeric, mix well until obtaining a homogeneous paste then pour the essential oil if you wish to aromatize it. Moisten the toothbrush, brush and let stand five minutes. Spit and rinse with clear water.

Coconut oil:

This oil is rich in saturated fats and medium chain triglycerides (TCM). Its high content of lauric acid makes it possible to neutralize the bacteria and to prevent caries and tartar. It prevents the proliferation of strains of streptococci which accelerate the degradation of the teeth in the long term.
The best known methods for the use of coconut oil in dental hygiene are the "oil pulling" mouthwash and the manufacture of toothpaste.

It is highly recommended for teeth whitening because it reduces the formation of plaque. After two weeks of use, your smile will become whiter and brighter.

The turmeric:

Although it is yellow in color and is reputed to mark the tissues and surfaces, for the teeth this is not the case, quite the contrary.

This spice has many virtues for oral health thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric is also an antibacterial agent that prevents the formation of dental plaque and relieves oral infections. It has a whitening and antiseptic effect.