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If You Have Small Hairs On Your Chest, Read This Urgently

If You Have Small Hairs On Your Chest, Read This Urgently

If You Have Small Hairs On Your Chest, Read This Urgently!

The presence of hair on the female body is a natural phenomenon, and especially important, since the latter play a protective role in preventing pathogens from attacking the sensitive areas of the body such as the eyes or the intimate part. However, when the growth of these hairs becomes excessive or if it begins to touch unusual places, women generally find it difficult to accept them. In this article we will talk about the hairs that grow on the bust and around the areola breasts!

Several women have two or three small hairs on the bust, between the breasts or around the areola of the latter. But when their numbers increase, this can become a source of complexity, which negatively affects their intimacy. Beyond this unattractive aspect, the presence of these hairs can reveal other health problems.

So what are the causes of hairiness in the chest?
The multiplication and excessive growth of the hairs in the chest may be due to the following causes:

1 - Genetics:

In some women, the abundant presence of hairs on the whole body or on specific parts is conditioned by their genetic inheritance. Their hair follicles are naturally more sensitive to testosterone, or male hormone, produced by their bodies. An even greater sensitivity in the breast areola, which has receptors specific to this hormone.

2 - Hormonal disorders:

A fairly abundant hair is generally due to a higher male hormone level compared to that of female hormones. Several causes can be at the source of this imbalance, such as the use of an ill-dosed contraceptive pill, stress or polycystic ovary syndrome.

3 - Polycystic ovary syndrome:

Also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, it manifests itself as a disruption of the process of synthesizing eggs, due to the abnormal increase in the production of androgenic hormones. Not released during ovulation, the eggs are filled with fluids and turn into cysts, which accumulate in the ovaries and sometimes become larger. The causes of the onset of this disorder are not yet specified by scientists, but according to them, increasing blood sugar levels would be a risk factor, since a large secretion of insulin also increases the rate of " Hormones. The latter, as mentioned above, stimulate hair growth.

Is there a way to get rid of it?

To limit the growth of these hairs, it is therefore necessary to keep its hormones under control. The best way to do this would be, of course, to see a gynecologist performing a hormonal check-up to adapt your birth control pill or prescribe proper treatment. It is also recommended to learn to manage your stress in order to avoid the disruptive effects of its hormone, called cortisol, and to adopt a healthy and balanced diet.

As for the specific problem of hair on the chest, shaving or waxing or depilatory creams should be banned since the first method may reinforce the hair and cause it to grow more thickly, Be painful or irritating to this sensitive part of the body.

The best way would therefore be the local application of a cream possessing an active principle which blocks testosterone or the laser. The latter, even if it requires patience (several sessions) and a little financial investment, remains effective, less painful and gives visible and more lasting results.