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Silent Symptoms Of Diabetes We Must No Longer Ignore

Silent Symptoms Of Diabetes We Must No Longer Ignore

The number of people with diabetes has increased dramatically in recent years, from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Deaths related to this disease reached 1.5 million in 2012 and the World Health Organization Believes that diabetes will become the 7th leading cause of death worldwide in 2030. To know the symptoms of this disease, to act on time!

What is diabetes ?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that manifests itself in irregular blood sugar levels. This condition occurs as a result of insufficient production or misuse of insulin by the body. This hormone produced by the pancreas plays an important role in regulating blood glucose levels. Indeed, it allows the sugar (glucose) to penetrate the cells of the organism so that they use it as source of energy in order to function correctly.

In a healthy person, this mechanism is well under way, whereas in diabetes there is a lack of insulin or resistance to its action, which results in the inability of the body to use glucose as a fuel To operate the cells. Result: the sugar is stored in the blood and causes hyperglycemia (increase in the sugar level in the blood).
There are three types of diabetes:
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes

Over time, this disease can lead to serious complications, which is why it is important to know its symptoms to act in time:

Symptoms of diabetes:

Intense thirst and frequent urination:

Diabetes causes an increase in blood sugar, which the kidneys try to eliminate through the urine. The latter concentrate a lot of sugar, a phenomenon called osmotic diuresis, which can lead to dehydration. And that says dehydration says intense thirst!

The elimination of sugar in the urine requires an increase in the volume of the urine. Thirst therefore helps to compensate for this water loss. It should be said that intense thirst and frequent urination have a causal relationship in case of diabetes.

It is advisable to opt for water to calm his thirst and not juices or other drinks, which increase the level of sugar in the blood and accentuate this phenomenon.

Insatiable hunger and rapid weight loss (especially in case of type 1 diabetes):
Due to the lack of insulin, the sugar that is stored nowhere remains in the blood. The cells are deprived of fuel and demand it, hence the exaggerated hunger. The cells try to survive thanks to other substances derived from fats and proteins. Note that even in high calorie intake, the body can not turn food into energy. This explains the weight loss associated with diabetes.

Constant fatigue:

Fatigue can be the symptom of various diseases, including diabetes. Indeed, the sugar which represents the fuel of our organism, not being able to enter the cells, accumulates in the blood. The body therefore lacks energy, hence persistent fatigue and drowsiness in some cases.

A blurred vision:

Type 1 and 2 diabetes causes damage to the blood vessels that irrigate the retina. In case of hyperglycemia, the latter thicken and harden and can no longer function properly.

There are also small blisters that can burst, causing bleeding inside the retina. These bleeds cause swelling of the retina and favor the deposition of matter. As a result, the view deteriorates gradually.

It is therefore important to consult a doctor, if you notice that your sight is getting confused.

Wounds that do not heal easily:

Diabetes often causes poor blood circulation, which does not promote the healing of wounds. According to a study by the Canadian Institute for Health Information, people with diabetes are 6 times more likely to have wounds that do not heal, unlike other patients.

Tingling at the feet:

Diabetes causes poor oxygenation of the nerves, which can cause tingling and pain. These first manifest themselves at the level of the toes and can progress towards the whole of the foot.

Chronic hyperglycaemia also has an effect on the nerves. It impairs their structure and reduces nerve conduction.

An increased risk of urinary tract infections:

Diabetes increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections. This can be explained by the urine content in sugar, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria and thus the urinary infections.

In case of diabetes, the body defends less against attacks and is more likely to develop different types of infections.