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The 6 Types Of Body Fat And How To Get Rid Of It

The 6 Types Of Body Fat And How To Get Rid Of It

According to WHO statistics, the number of obese people has doubled since the 1980s. This problem, which affects different age groups, is caused by various factors, including poor nutrition, physical inactivity, Have serious health consequences. Depending on the BMI (body mass index), we can distinguish different types of obesity, but we can also classify obese people according to other criteria!

Obesity is the scourge of modern times. People of different ages and in different countries of the world are reaching this phenomenon in spite of the many advocacy campaigns.

The causes of obesity
Obesity and overweight, which refer to an excess of fat in the body, can have different causes:

Poor nutrition:

A diet high in fat and sugar and based on processed products without nutrients but which bring in much more calories than the body needs, is one of the most likely causes of obesity.

Physical inactivity :

Lack of physical activity is also one of the primary causes of obesity. To burn calories ingested and to compensate for dietary differences, it is important to play sports! Health professionals advise a minimum of 3 sessions per week to keep the line and preserve overall health.

The stress :

Stress is the cause of many diseases and health problems, including obesity. Indeed, according to a study conducted by Australian and American researchers and conducted on mice, stress would be a factor in weight gain. Scientists have discovered that in the event of stress, the rate of a peptide secreted by the hypothalamus increases what would stimulate the adipose mass, especially in the abdomen. Thus, mice subjected to stressful situations with a high calorie diet took twice as many kilos as those with the same diet but with less stress! Conclusion: stress would favor the storage of fats.

Hormonal changes:

Hormonal fluctuations can affect weight. Menopause, in particular, is a very difficult period marked by hormonal variations that can lead to weight gain.

The genetic predisposition:

Genetic factors also have a say! Indeed, according to scientific data 70% of obese people have at least one parent in the same case. Genetic problems cause a reduction in energy expenditure during physical exertion or during rest, as well as after meals, which naturally leads to weight gain.

There are different forms of obesity that are differentiated according to the BMI. But can we also categorize obese people?

Types of obese people:

A study that used data from over 4,000 obese people in a Yorkshire Health Study study identified 6 types of obese people.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Shieffield in the United Kingdom and the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States. The purpose of the study was to see if it was possible to categorize obese people according to Their lifestyle and their state of health.

Participants in the study responded to questionnaires that included information on age, socioeconomic status, health problems, quality and lifestyle (smoking, physical activity, diet, etc.).

The results of the study have shown that it is possible to classify obese people into 6 different categories according to the data collected:
  • Young women in good health: women who were obese but did not have any complications like type 2 diabetes.
  • Men who drink excessively and have the same characteristics as young women in good health.
  • Unhappy and anxious middle-aged people: mainly women who have poor quality of life and are mentally unstable.
  • Rich, healthy elderly people: generally healthy but drinking heavily and having high blood pressure.
  • Seniors physically ill but happy: people who suffer from chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis but do not have mental problems.
  • People who have very poor health: they are the most disadvantaged, with the greatest number of chronic diseases.

According to the scientists, having a single classification of obesity, ie all persons with a BMI of 30 or more, does not help much to address this problem because it is important to take into account the heterogeneity of Obese people.

They argue that interventions to fight obesity should not target all obese people, but rather be tailored to the different subcategories that exist.