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What Your Hairstyle Says About You

What Your Hairstyle Says About You

What Your Hairstyle Says About You

Much more than a matter of taste, the hairstyle and haircut chosen can tell a lot about the personality of each one! Hair long, short, always loose or on the contrary pinned in bun, discover what your usual hairstyle reveals on you.

The shape of the fingers and the hands, the color of the eyes or the date of birth can reveal a lot about the personality of each individual. In addition, there are certain gestures and behaviors that betray our character and thoughts. But did you know that a detail as negligible as the hairstyle can also tell you a lot about you?

Since the dawn of time, haircuts and hairstyles have been influenced by cultures and traditions and have been codified to meet certain rules, including social or modesty. Today things have changed. Women choose hairstyles and cuts they prefer freely, but what do they reveal about their personality?

A ponytail :

Women who prefer ponytails with open forehead and hair pulled back are often people who have confidence in themselves and who do everything to achieve their goals. They are women of action, determined and very ambitious.

Plaited braids:

If you are a fan of plaited braids, this indicates that you are an eternal romantic. You are someone who appreciates nice gestures and is very open to new experiences. As for your relationships with others, you tend to always see the good side of the person, which causes you to be often disappointed.

Hair loosened:

Women who prefer their loose hair are people who are comfortable with themselves and this on all counts. They are dynamic, love movement and feel good in the life they lead.

Leaving her mane in the open without accessories to tame her, also reveals a proud, frank and warm person, who is very appreciated by others and is not ready to comply with the rules!

A samurai bun:

Coiffure in vogue right now, the samurai bun came back on the front of the scene after several international stars sported it. If you also adopted it, it reveals that you are a woman who follows trends and likes to present the best of herself. But not only ! This hairstyle which takes its name from the great Japanese warriors, characterizes a strong personality. The women who display this hairstyle are beating and independent, but hide a tender and sensitive little side.

A high bun:

Sophisticated and very feminine, the bun is one of the timeless classics. This hairstyle that has survived through time and has resisted despite the many successive trends, is suitable for all occasions. Some make it a hairstyle to wear for special events, while others make it the hairstyle of every day! If you are in the second category, this indicates that you are ambitious and have determination and confidence. You have confidence in yourself and display a neat appearance that goes hand in hand with your strong character.

The fact that your hair is always tied in a bun, also reveals you with a small "manic control" side. You do not like the unexpected, why you plan everything ahead of time.

A braid :

Hairdressing schoolgirls and wise girls, the braid is also one of the most classic hairstyles. The followers of this style are often calm, open and very altruistic people. They are always there for others and do not hesitate to help people in need.

Long hair :

Although very difficult to maintain, a long mane has often been synonymous with seduction. Women who prefer to keep their hair embody femininity and give great importance to their physical appearance. They follow trends closely, are elegant and know how to show off.
These people are also renowned for being romantic and dreamy, but also always listening to the people who surround them.

Short hair :

Often associated with masculinity, short cuts sported by women reveal a strength of character and personality. The women who take this step and dare the court are strong and daring people. They like to have control and have a little perfectionist side.

Contrary to beliefs, short hair does not reduce a bit of the femininity of the women who wear them, contrary, these are known to be real seducers!