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A Powerful Technique To Detoxify Your Body Quickly

A Powerful Technique To Detoxify Your Body Quickly

Detoxify Your Body Quickly

In case of excess or repetitive deviations, it is beneficial to purify one's body by following a detox cure and to eliminate waste and toxins accumulated in the body. To do this, there are a large number of foods whose virtues not only prevent and treat certain diseases but also clean the body of the various toxic substances it contains.

Stored permanently in the body, toxins can cause health problems and affect many organs. It is therefore essential to eliminate these wastes regularly in order to maintain a healthy body. Nothing better than a detox cure to purify the major organs such as the liver, the lungs and the intestine. It plays an important role in the evacuation of toxic substances and it is necessary that its proper functioning is not impeded.

To detoxify the body, the fibers are essential to improve intestinal transit and prevent the storage of toxins. They also help to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. They are essential and allow to have healthy intestines.

Here is a 100% natural recipe for getting rid of toxins that are stored in your body.

Recipe for a Detox Drink

  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup of water


For the preparation of this detox drink, put all the ingredients except the chia seeds in a robot and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add water and chia seeds.

This drink is to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach without forgetting to drink up to 2 l of water per day and to favor a balanced diet.



Rich in vitamins (A and C), minerals (sulfur, potassium, iodine, magnesium and calcium) the apple is also a source of beta-carotene, essential amino acids and pectin. It is a soluble fiber that allows to fix a large quantity of water.

The Flavonoids substances have antioxidant action and allow to fight against the free radicals.

It is also a source of vitamin E, folic acid and biotin, two vitamins from group B. These vitamins help to produce energy, maintain emotional balance and function properly the digestive system.


Flaxseed should be preferred as part of a healthy diet because of their high content of essential fatty acids and soluble and insoluble fiber. These are effective antioxidants especially against breast cancer and prostate cancer. They slow down and block the growth of developed tumors and can reduce breast tumors by 50%.

Studies have shown a decrease in the proliferation of cancer cells in men who add 30 grams of ground flaxseed to their daily diet.

In addition, they help fight bacteria, viruses and fungi and prevent excess cholesterol (LDL).

Flaxseed is rich in omega-3, which reduces the risk of blood clots, strokes and cardiovascular disease. Their richness in essential fatty acids allows them to pass healthy nutrients and block harmful substances.

Be careful though, as they are not recommended for people with thyroid problems or intestinal obstruction and for children under 6 years of age.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds stabilize blood sugar levels. Rich in omega-3, they reduce triglyceride levels, protect against heart problems and prevent cardiovascular disease.

The seeds of Chia take volume in the intestines which increases the sensation of satiety and reduces cravings and snacking.

They contain proteins, vitamins (A, B9, C and E) antioxidants, iron, magnesium and calcium. Researchers have established that they have five times more calcium than milk and twice as much potassium as a banana.