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Alert Info: The Zodiac Changed : Here's Your New Astrological Sign?

Alert Info: The Zodiac Changed : Here's Your New Astrological Sign?

Zodiac Changed

Did you know that the signs of the Zodiac had changed? Those who thought to be scorpion are perhaps scales and the same thing for all other astrological signs. For astrology enthusiasts who rule their lives according to the alignment of stars, this information is likely to be a real upheaval.

Updating Astrological Signs

When it was announced that NASA had decided to review the dates that correspond to the astrological signs so that they are consistent with the sky as it is today, people accustomed to reading their horoscope on a daily basis did not Welcomed the news with great enthusiasm.

In reality, NASA did not change the signs of the zodiac, the organization simply performed mathematical calculations related to astronomy and there was an amalgam between this science and astrology. The latter corresponds to the observation of the stars and the sky.

In astronomy, stars are considered as a database of information that allows to interpret the character and the behavior of a person according to its sign and their relational and amorous compatibility with the other signs of the Zodiac. It has been used since the beginning of time in many cultures and is constantly developing.

The discovery of Ophiuchus

It was not the NASA studies that changed the astrological signs but a change in the rotation of the Earth. During the three thousand years that have passed, the tides of the Moon and the Sun have caused an oscillation of the axis of rotation of the Earth. Heaven is now modified compared to that which had been observed by ancient astrologers, the present constellations announce a thirteenth month and thus a thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. It would seem that 86% of people have the wrong astrological sign.

It seems that this revelation was already made by the Babylonian astrologers who had discovered at the time thirteen constellations but had decided to exclude one so that the division is done in an equitable way to arrive at a round account. They therefore opted for twelve signs in order to ensure a certain consistency with the trajectory of the Sun over 360 degrees and left the thirteenth sign in the shadow: Ophiuchus also called the Serpentary.

It should be noted that in late November and early December, the Sun is in the constellation of Ophiuchus, hence the name of this sign.

This constellation is illustrated by a man who holds a serpent called Serpentary and had already been adapted by ancient cultures, including Greek mythology and ancient Egypt.

The characteristics of the sign Ophiuchus

People born between 29 November and 17 December are not sagitarians but ophiucus or serpentarians and possess the following characteristics:
  • Intuitive
  • Poetic
  • Creative
  • Powerful
  • Ambitious
  • Wise
  • Pacifist
  • The new horoscope
By integrating the thirteenth sign, there was a shift in the horoscope. Refer to the list below to discover your astrological sign:

Capricorn: From the 20th of January to the 16th of February.
Aquarius: From 16 February to 11 March.
Pisces: From March 11th to April 18th.
Aries: From April 18th to May 13th.
Taurus: May 13th to June 21st.
Gemini: From the 21st of June to the 20th of July.
Cancer: From July 20th to August 10th.
Leo: From the 10th of August to the 16th of September.
Virgo: From September 16th to October 30th.
Libra: From October 30th to November 23rd.
Scorpio: From November 23rd to November 29th.
Ophiuchus (the Serpentary): From November 29th to December 17th.
Sagittarius: From December 17th to January 20th.