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 Do Not Throw Throw Away Avocado Seeds Again

Do Not Throw Throw Away Avocado Seeds Again

 Do Not Throw Throw Away Avocado Seeds Again

Rich and nourishing, the delicious flesh of avocado is very good for health as well as its core. Generally misplaced, it turns out that it is not only consumable but also contains as many virtues as the rest of the fruit, if not more. Here are the best uses of the avocado seed for health and wellness.

Avocado is rich in fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and soluble fiber. Its flesh is consumed regularly for its pleasant texture and taste but the core is usually thrown into the trash. It is a bad habit to be remedied because it also contains many benefits, it includes 70% of the amino acids that make up the fruit.

The benefits of the avocado Seeds

It strengthens the immune system

Thanks to its antibacterial and antioxidant action, it helps to fight against microbes and parasites. Say goodbye to infections and viruses such as angina and nasopharyngitis.

It enhances weight loss

Rich in soluble fiber, the core facilitates intestinal transit and increases the sensation of satiety. It avoids cravings and nibbles during the day.

It prevents cardiovascular disease
Its high amino acid content helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and to prevent cardiac disorders.

It strengthens the defense system

Its antibacterial action helps to strengthen the immune system and stop the proliferation of bacteria, parasites and fungi.

It protects the intestinal flora

Its astringent properties treat diarrhea and gastrointestinal inflammations and thus ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system.

It boosts the libido

The avocado seed has aphrodisiac properties that stimulate libido.

It prevents cancer

Its high content of flavonol inhibits the development and spread of cancer cells in the body.

It takes care of the skin

When applied locally, it removes pimples and boils by making them ripen and then dry. In addition, it slows the aging of the cells and has a rejuvenating action on the skin because it accelerates the formation of collagen.

It regulates the thyroid

Regular consumption helps to regulate thyroid disorders.

It relieves respiratory problems
Used as a dietary supplement, it is an effective and natural treatment against asthma.

How to consume the avocado seed?

To carry out the consumption of the avocado core, care must be taken to remove the fine brown skin that covers it. There are then three ways of proceeding:

Grate finely and grill over low heat in a frying pan.

Place the core in a freezer bag, breaking it with a hammer or a meat hammer. Then put the broken in a robot and mix to obtain a fine powder.

Heat whole (either in the pan or in a stove) and then grind it in a coffee grinder.
It keeps ground in an airtight box.

It is recommended to consume this powder in infusion; Boil it about ten minutes and then let it sit for five minutes before consuming it throughout the day.

You can also sprinkle it on salads, soups, pasta and even yogurts or cereal bowls.

However, this powder is to be consumed in moderation because at high dose it can cause constipation given the large amount of tannins it contains.

How to apply it?

The avocado core is also a sizeable ally for the skin:

Against the buttons: Use the powder to prepare plasters to apply on the buttons to accelerate their drying. To do this, the powder must be mixed with a little warm water in order to obtain a pasty consistency to be placed between two pieces of gauze. Place on the affected area for about ten minutes. Repeat until the button disappears.

Against dandruff: Use non-toasted powder and mix it with castor oil. Leave to macerate for one day and apply directly to the scalp. Cover with a shower cap and leave to work for an hour before washing the hair.

This tip is not recommended for people with oily hair.