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Here Is How To Get Rid Of Dental Plaque And Gingivitis (Gum Disease)

Here Is How To Get Rid Of Dental Plaque And Gingivitis (Gum Disease)

Get Rid Of Dental Plaque And Gingivitis

Teeth need regular maintenance to stay healthy. Lack of oral hygiene accompanied by poor eating habits increases the risk of decay, dental plaque, but also gum disease. Here are some natural remedies to prevent and treat this last problem.

Gum disease is an inflammation that affects tissues that support teeth. Inflammation is initially discrete and affects only the gums (gingivitis), but when it is not treated, it becomes more serious and spreads to the bones and ligaments of the tooth, this is called periodontitis.

This pathology is mainly due to the accumulation of bacteria at the base of the teeth, namely bacterial plaque. It is a whitish-colored material, deposited daily on the teeth, and is made up of food residues, saliva and, as its name suggests, bacteria. When it is not removed with a toothbrush or dental floss, it accumulates on the teeth and becomes more difficult to remove.

However, hormonal changes, smoking, lack of calcium, alcohol consumption and injuries to the gum may also increase the risk of this condition.

Symptoms not to be overlooked:

As mentioned above, the disease is rather silent at first. The stage of gingivitis presents some rather discrete signs such as bleeding gums during tooth brushing, swollen gums and a dark red color as well as bad breath.

This phenomenon will develop gradually from gingivitis to periodontitis, which is more serious. When the bone that supports the tooth degrades, then disorders such as the mobility of the teeth, their dislocation and even loss.

A gum disease in the first stage can be treated easily, but at an advanced stage, it can have serious consequences and can even affect overall health, increasing the risk of dental abscesses and lung infections.

Thus, it is important to take care of his teeth by having an impeccable oral hygiene. If the damage is done and you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should consult a dentist immediately to prevent the situation from getting worse.

If these are only signs related to the first stage, you can always opt for natural solutions to treat inflammation.

Natural tips to prevent and treat gum disease:

Reducing stress:

According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), stress can affect dental health. Indeed, by impacting the immune system, responsible for fighting bacteria causing gum disease, stress makes the person more vulnerable to these ailments.

Salted water :

Salt water is very effective in reducing the swelling of the gums due to gingivitis and limiting the proliferation of the bacteria that causes it. Salt is renowned for its antiseptic properties. Dissolve some salt in a cup of warm water and gargle with this solution for 30 seconds. Repeat this operation several times during the day.

Tea bags:

The tannic acid contained in the tea helps to reduce the swelling of the gums but also to stop the bleeding thanks to its astringent action. Infuse 2 or 3 tea bags, let cool a little, then place the tea bags on the painful area for 5 minutes.

Honey :

Honey is a powerful antibacterial and natural antiseptic. After brushing your teeth, apply a little honey on the inflamed gums.

Cranberry juice:

According to a scientific study, cranberry juice contains components, proanthocyanidins, that would prevent bacteria from sticking together to form a biofilm that will act as a protection behind which bacteria causing cavities will develop Diseases of the gums. This non-stick effect of cranberry juice helps to prevent these problems, but also to treat them thanks to its anti-inflammatory power.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin C:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates bone regeneration and the development of connective tissue, helping to preserve teeth and gums.