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How To Burn 100 Calories Without Doing Sport

How To Burn 100 Calories Without Doing Sport

Burn 100 Calories Without Doing Sport
How To Burn 100 Calories Without Doing Sport

Many people see metabolism as an obstacle, not as a way to achieve their slimming goal. Now, through a few small tricks, you could boost your metabolism and lose 100 more calories.

What is metabolism?

When you eat or drink something, your body converts all these calories into energy. Indeed, as soon as nutrients penetrate the body, this one realizes metabolic movements due to chemical reactions.

As soon as your metabolism is started, it passes through two states: the anabolic and catabolic state. In the first state, your body promotes the synthesis of all the components by the cells and in the second, it decomposes the cells to extract energy.

The final product of anabolism is "adenosine triphosphate", a widely distributed molecule of energy. Your energy levels will increase depending on the stability of these processes, and a constant energy flow will allow your body to perform normal biological reactions.

Your body follows the same principle when you want to lose weight. So, if your metabolism is balanced, you put all the chances on your side to lose weight. On the other hand, an unbalanced metabolism would slow down or even prevent your weight loss, no matter how healthy your eating habits.

As you can see, a healthy metabolism and a healthy diet go hand in hand. Their goal is the same: to produce energy in sufficient quantity. As part of this process, your body uses energy to produce new proteins and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, etc.).

It is therefore clear that sufficient nutritional intake is necessary to maintain an energy balance in the cells. From the moment you fill the nutritional deficiency, your balance and you will witness your weight loss.

Why are the nutrients important?

For your health :

Nutrients are vital to supply your body with energy. Food is the primary source of nutrients and will allow you to create, maintain and repair your tissues.

For Weight Loss:

Protein can also help you lose weight. In many cases, experts advise hyper protein diets as the best way to get rid of your extra pounds.

Tip # 1: Everything is played around proteins!

You will have less desire to nibble because the proteins will give you a longer feeling of satiety. According to several studies, proteins activate body signals responsible for appetite reduction. How is it possible ?

These signals reduce the effect of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite, and increase the impact of hormones such as leptin, cholecystokinin, etc., in other words satiety hormones. At the same time, a high-protein diet will help you get rid of your love handles. Proteins also prevent muscle wasting in the event of deficiencies.

Tip # 2: Skipping breakfast is not such a good idea.

Skipping breakfast is one of the biggest mistakes to make if you want to lose weight. Researchers have discovered that it would even have the opposite effect.

Two scrambled eggs with green cabbage or spinach represent 12 grams of protein, and about 78 calories. Two tablespoons homemade tuna salad (without mayonnaise) with fresh salad represent 10 grams of protein and 100 calories. Finally, a tablespoon of Chia grains in a glass of almond milk represents roughly 10 grams of protein and 100 calories.

Not only are these choices low in calories, but they also give a longer feeling of satiety, stabilize blood sugar and help to lose pounds.

Tips for incorporating proteins into your diet

Be sure to eat high-protein foods at breakfast (eg: eggs and bagel).
Reduce cereal consumption.

Choose organic and healthy protein sources such as poultry, meat, seafood and fish. For breakfast scrambled eggs, omelette, tofu and Greek yogurts are real delicacies rich in protein.

Unlike carbohydrates and fats, your body burns more calories to metabolize protein.

You've figured out that high protein food is the way to success for your weight loss. On the other hand, fats are your worst enemies, your body metabolizes them more difficult and, as a result, they are stored in your tissues.

To plan your meals, nutritionist Chen Ben Asher of Mor's Nutrition and More suggests always consulting a professional to avoid the onset of allergies and other problems that could be hidden and slow down weight loss.

Try these recipes rich in protein!