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If You Suffer From Any Of These 5 Diseases You Should Stop Consuming Garlic Immediately! It's Very Dangerous !

If You Suffer From Any Of These 5 Diseases You Should Stop Consuming Garlic Immediately! It's Very Dangerous !

 Stop Consuming Garlic

Often used to enhance the taste of dishes, garlic is also full of virtues for health. Its main compound, allicin, gives it antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties. However, its consumption is contraindicated for people who suffer from certain specific conditions.

Garlic is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins B1, B6 and C, calcium, copper and selenium. Its regular consumption helps to prevent the appearance of certain diseases and strengthen the immune system. It is advisable to eat it raw, because once cooked it loses a lot of its medicinal virtues.

The Benefits of Garlic

Better Heart Health

Garlic improves blood circulation, lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevents heart disease. It slows hardening of the arteries likely to cause a heart attack or a cerebral infarction. For better cardiovascular health, it is recommended to consume one to two cloves of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. In order to benefit from its virtues, peel and cut the garlic thirty minutes before ingesting it to promote the formation of sulfur compounds (active ingredients responsible for therapeutic effects).

A stimulated immune system

Rich in vitamins C and B6 and in minerals (selenium and manganese), garlic has antioxidant and antibacterial actions that stimulate the immune system, strengthen the body's defenses and fight infections.

Allergy treatment

The antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic allow the body to defend itself against possible allergies. It also helps relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by allergic rhinitis. People prone to allergies should take extra garlic each day (either by eating pods or by taking garlic extract capsules) during the allergy season.

Some people ingest garlic as a natural remedy (either in natural form or as an extract), but they must limit or stop using it if they have certain diseases because they might interact with their treatment or To aggravate their condition.

The contraindications of garlic

These contraindications do not concern people who use garlic to season their dishes, only those who consume it regularly as part of a natural treatment.
The digestion

Garlic is not always easy to digest, which is why people who suffer from gastric inflammation, acid ascites from the stomach, reflux and ulcer must limit or even stop their consumption So as not to attack their intestinal flora and mucous membranes. Before using garlic as a natural remedy, talk to your doctor.

Blood coagulation

People with blood clotting problems and who suffer from heavy bleeding should not use the garlic of their diet because it acts as a true anticoagulant. This effect may therefore aggravate your condition and cause a risk of hemorrhage.

Persons who are about to undergo surgery or who have just undergone surgery must also avoid ingesting garlic because their anticoagulant power may slow down or even interfere with their healing.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

As for pregnant women, the use of garlic is no problem. But its therapeutic use is discouraged because of its anticoagulant power.

As for those who have just given birth and are breastfeeding, the consumption of garlic must be greatly reduced because the taste is transmitted through breast milk and this could be very unpleasant for your baby.

Interaction with treatments

Garlic should not interact with certain drugs, including those that treat thyroid disorders, HIV infection, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and diabetes. People who are undergoing other medical treatments should also seek advice from their physician to inform them about any side effects.


Garlic is known to be a natural hypotensive, although it is strongly recommended to relieve hypertension, it is nevertheless advisable to limit its consumption in case of low blood pressure because it lowers the tension by 10%. People with hypotension should therefore proceed with caution and avoid any type of therapeutic treatment based on garlic.