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Lose 4 Pounds in 15 Days With This Natural Drink

Lose 4 Pounds in 15 Days With This Natural Drink

Lose 4 Pounds in 15 Days With This Natural Drink

Who does not dream of a silhouette refined and slender throughout the year to feel good in his skin and sport a flat stomach? Fat tends to be stored at the level of the abdomen and hips and it is difficult to get rid of it. In addition to a healthy diet and regular physical activity, here is the recipe for a natural drink to lose your abdominal fat.

The deleterious effects of fat

Many factors can cause fat accumulation in the body, poor diet (high in salt and sugar), lack of exercise, stress and hormonal imbalance. When grease settles, it is not just about appearance and aesthetics, but also about health. Overweight is linked to many diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart problems and obesity.

More and more people want to find solutions that will help them eliminate stored fat and promote weight loss in order to prevent their health as well as the onset of the ailments cited above.

But there is a difference between will and power. Weight loss is not a necessarily easy process, especially if the fat is located in areas where it is difficult to make it disappear. This is actually the case of abdominal fat which is one of the most difficult to neutralize.

To do this, you must adopt the right actions and a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, the practice of a sport, sufficient hydration (up to 2L of water and green tea per day) and good Nights sleep. It is necessary to ban certain products, namely processed foods and junk food, reduce or even stop the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and avoid stressful situations.

There are also some 100% natural recipes that can help you lose weight effectively and regain a flat stomach. The proposed fat-burning drink helps to strengthen the defense system, boost metabolism and detoxify the body.

Recipe for a fat burning beverage

  • 1 pack of baking soda
  • 5 boots of parsley
  • 1 kg of organic lemons
  • 3 L of water


Wash the lemons in cold water and put them in a bowl filled with hot water.
Chop the parsley finely, cut the lemons with their bark and put everything in a pot. Add 3 liters of water and baking soda and cook for 2 hours on low heat.

Then filter the mixture and drink a glass of this drink every morning on an empty stomach for two weeks.

Benefits of Ingredients

Parsley, rich in nutrients, has many health benefits. It facilitates digestion, relieves urinary infections and constipation, reduces gas and bloating thanks to its carminative effect and promotes weight loss.

Thanks to its diuretic action, parsley removes toxins from the body that can lead to fat accumulation. Rich in fibers, it also promotes the feeling of satiety and thus avoids nibbling.

Parsley should be avoided during pregnancy as it may cause uterine contractions. It is also discouraged for people who suffer from kidney failure and those who are on anticoagulant treatment because it is rich in vitamin K.

Lemon is known and recognized for its benefits both from a medicinal and cosmetic point of view. Rich in vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and accelerates the elimination of fat.
It is rich in dietary fiber, mainly pectin, which cause a feeling of satiety to avoid cravings.

However, it is not recommended for people with kidney, biliary and stomach problems.

Baking soda makes it possible to soften the acid taste of lemon and to make the foods to which it is added alkaline. Who says alkalinity says pH rise and transformation of fat into muscle and energy. It therefore eliminates waste and reduces acids in the stomach.

In addition, it prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the body and thus increases the athletic performance by avoiding suffering from muscular pain and fatigue. It therefore helps to practice more sport longer and facilitate weight loss