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My Husband Stopped Snoring, When I Found This Miraculous Remedy!

My Husband Stopped Snoring, When I Found This Miraculous Remedy!

My Husband Stopped Snoring
My Husband Stopped Snoring

Nothing more annoying than the sound of snoring! These improvised symphonies at the wrong tempo, which prevent us from sleeping at night are a veritable calvary. The person who snores, plunged into a deep sleep, does not realize the irritating noise that it produces, while his entourage suffers! So what are the causes and consequences of snoring and how can it be reduced?

What is snoring?

The snoring, ronchopathy of its medical name, occurs following the vibration of the uvula and the tissues of the palate to the passage of the air during the inspiration. It is not considered a health problem, except in case of sleep apnea.

People who snore are generally not aware of the embarrassment they cause and some of them do not even know that they snore. It remains difficult to identify the prevalence of this problem. However, the American Academy of Otolaryngology states that 25% of adults snore on a regular basis, while 45% snore from time to time.

The causes of snoring:

Normally, during sleep, the throat and the palate relax, like many other parts of the body. In some people, the tissues of these organs can sometimes cause partial obstruction and hinder the passage of air. In order for the lungs to be powered, the airflow is accelerated, which causes vibration of the tissues during breathing. This obstruction is often due to anatomical reasons and causes snoring.

Different factors can promote snoring or make it worse:

Overweight :

Excess weight is classified as the main cause of snoring. Indeed, between 75 and 90% of people who snore are overweight. This is mainly due to the fact that excess fat accumulates in the neck, and exerts pressure on the airways which eventually shrink.

The pregnancy :

Pregnancy causes weight gain and therefore has the same effects as overweight.


The presence of polyps, growths in the nasal passages, bulky tonsils or a deflected nasal septum may cause snoring.

The alcohol :

The consumption of alcohol relaxes the tissues of the throat by acting as sedative.

Besides these factors, snoring can also be favored by nasal congestion following a cold or allergy. In fact, excessive mucus causing congestion, hinders breathing and can cause snoring. This is also the case for smoking, which increases the accumulation of mucus in the throat.
Snoring treatments:
Snoring treatments vary depending on the cause and severity of the complications. Thus, in case of severe snoring, following a malformation, a surgical procedure for an ablation of the tonsils or nasal polyps may be necessary.

Non-surgical treatments include anti-snoring rehabilitation to tone throat tissue, acupuncture, a healthier lifestyle and treatment of nasal congestion.

As mentioned above, the excess of mucus in the nose or throat, hinders the passage of air and causes snoring. Thus, reducing it can help to reduce or even eliminate snoring.

Here is a natural juice recipe ideal for snoring control:

  • 2 cm fresh ginger root
  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • ½ cup water
  • ¼ lemon


Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Consume this juice at night before sleeping regularly, for better results.

Benefits of juice:
Thanks to the ingredients it contains this juice will significantly reduce the accumulated mucus in the nose and throat and thus limit the snoring.

Indeed, ginger will increase the expulsion of the mucus, thanks to its expectorant action, and will reduce the nasal congestion and dissolve the phlegm thanks to its rewarming power.

In addition, this juice will also act as fat burning. The combination of lemon, apples and ginger will promote fat burning and consequently weight loss. A desired action to limit snoring.

Caution: ginger is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people who suffer from blood diseases and diabetics.