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The Mirror Technique: A Powerful Exercise To Do Before Going To Bed To Have Self-confidence

The Mirror Technique: A Powerful Exercise To Do Before Going To Bed To Have Self-confidence

The Mirror Technique

Self-esteem and happiness are tributary. Do you feel unfit to accept yourself as you are, carrying your ill-being slung over your shoulder, persuaded that if life does not spare you, thus it does not love you? To conquer your self-esteem. Follow the guide !

Self-esteem is not innate, it is acquired. Indeed, we recognize the people suffering from problems related to the lack of self-confidence through the flickering gaze that they bear on themselves. Shaving walls, being discreet, not succeeding in controlling one's emotions, focusing on past failures, repeating, or being deliberately rejected: all this is a result of a lack Blatant self-esteem.

There are certain exercises and methods which, applied regularly, contribute to develop a more constructive esteem and attitude towards oneself.

Exercise to develop your self-esteem in front of a mirror

As commonplace as it may seem. The exercise of the mirror is a good outlet. You are aware that your thoughts, emotions and feelings are on your face. Learn to control yourself but also to assert yourself. Gag that anterior voice that criticizes and spoils your little moments of happiness. Chase the toxic thoughts that hinder your actions, with "I'll get there", "I have the necessary skills". Eliminate the murderous formulas "I am ugly", "I do not serve anything". To be well in one's skin is to be proud of one's potential, one's capacities, to be able to progress, to love oneself, to learn. 

This is well worth a little conciliation and benevolence towards yourself. Encourage yourself, you deserve it! As soon as you see your reflection in a mirror, talk and smile. Make contact with your reflection and say, "I appreciate and accept you as you are." Observe your emotions through this very revealing exercise, for self-esteem.

Many personal development coaches start from the fact that each of us speaks inwardly, usually negatively, and suggest to practice this exercise of self-esteem regularly while practicing to compliment oneself. You will tend to feel left at first, but as you progress, you will assimilate these thoughts. The praises which you will make will come from the bottom of the heart. A lack of self-esteem also results in the impression of lack of physical presence. It is high time to chase away negative beliefs. Attach your reflection to reassure you and accept you as you are.

Stop telling yourself that you are worthless

You may find yourself intelligent and wise, but you only keep in mind the verdict of an unflattering parent. No exploit can undeceive you. Stop seeing yourself as reduced to simplicity, even mediocrity. Self-esteem draws from the compassion you have for yourself. If you ignore your value, know that you have nothing good to share. Be more forgiving with yourself and recognize your defects as well as your qualities, be as proud of your abilities and accomplishments as your stinging failures that are not the only ones to play a role in your life. 

Begin by assessing your self-esteem, list your strengths and weaknesses. Some of your shortcomings include improvements and others are not. Every being is unique and know that living with fundamental values makes them happy. Engage in noble causes and in volunteering, you will have better self-esteem by helping your neighbor.


Have a spirit and enthusiasm, do not limit yourself to your zone of comfort. Renew about knowledge, possibilities and horizons, taking risks that one would not normally have taken is often the recipe for happiness. When self-esteem is at its lowest, you feel as if you are obsolete and without added value, you may just not know what to give to others.

Celebrate your small victories

Go without false modesty, accept the flowers that are thrown at you rather than repeat your previous mistakes and degrade yourself. Grant yourself some value. Recognize and approve your achievements, for their positive value. Think of all that you still have to accomplish. This is how self-esteem is rooted.