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How To Treat Your Gums At Home

How To Treat Your Gums At Home

How To Treat Your Gums At Home

Gum disease is the most common dental problem. They manifest themselves at almost any age and ...

Gum disease is the most common dental problem. They manifest themselves at almost all ages and develop sometimes without pain and without showing symptoms, progressing until the subject loses his teeth. Fortunately, they can be prevented and treated from the beginning, thanks to remedies that Mother Nature provides, if they are detected in time.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease or periodontal disease is the inflammation that affects the tissues that support the teeth, called the "periodontium". It is due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque, between teeth and gums but also to other factors. It starts at the stage of gingivitis, by an inflammation that affects the gums and which is manifested by brushing bleeding or sensitivity. In later stages, infection spreads to bone tissue, the teeth begin to move and become detached, which can ultimately result in bone damage or even loss of teeth.

If periodontitis of the adult or child is the most frequent, it may be associated with a disease such as diabetes, cancer or HIV.

The causes of gum disease

Gum disease is favored by a number of factors including inadequate oral hygiene, infection, weakening of the gums due to too rigorous tooth brushing, alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, Poor nutrition, certain medications, genetic factors or hormonal changes.

Symptoms of gum disease

Some discrete signs may be indicative of gingivitis:
  • Bleeding when brushing teeth
  • Bad breath
  • The gums becoming reddish
  • Swelling
  • Sensitivity to touch

At the stage of periodontitis, the teeth support bone deteriorates, the teeth become detached and become sensitive, their visible part is lengthened, gingival crevices appear between the teeth and gums and abscesses form.


The best treatment is to control the factors that promote (insufficient oral hygiene, tobacco, stress) and restore bone and gingival tissue destroyed by infection. After a periodontal examination, a specialist will determine the location and depth of the periodontal pockets before disinfecting them (curettage) and remove the bacterial plaque and the tartar that has fixed on the tooth by disinfecting the pockets with anesthesia Antiseptic solution. Treatment may involve the use of periodontal surgery or orthodontic treatment after the healing of periodontal pockets.

In addition to causing a loss of bone that supports the tooth and periodontal abscesses, an untreated periodontitis is an infectious focus that can cause cardiovascular disease, problems during pregnancy and make blood sugar control more Difficult in people with diabetes.

Natural Remedies for Gum Diseases

Myrrh: Myrrh resin is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory for the treatment of oral infections. It cures ailments, wounds and ulcers and is particularly formidable against infections of the mouth, gums and throat. It can be used in mouthwashes or directly applied to the sore gums.

Cloves: This is undoubtedly the best known remedy for tooth rages. It is no coincidence that dentists use clove for its anesthetic properties and its eugenol content, which eradicates bacteria, treats pain and reduces dental sensitivity. It is recommended to place a clove on the inflamed tooth and tighten the jaw or apply on the painful area a cotton swab soaked with a few drops of clove essential oil.

Eucalyptus: An infusion of its leaves helps to treat urinary tract infections, sore throat or headaches, neuralgic pains, sinusitis, asthma, otitis, bronchitis, skin infections as well as Dental pain.

Green tea: has incredible healing properties, it combats tooth decay, plaque. It helps keep gums healthier, decreasing bacteria and reducing acidity.

Traction oil: It has been used for centuries in India for the health of teeth. It reduces plaque, harmful bacteria and gingivitis. Take one to two teaspoons of coconut oil, sesame or sunflower and put them in the mouth. Gargle with this solution (without swallowing) for about 15 to 20 minutes for optimal effectiveness.

Aloe Vera: cleans and whitens teeth. Just apply a little gel of this plant during each brushing of teeth.