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If You Are Used To Flush The Toilet With The Lid Up After Peeing, Read This. Many People Do Not Know ...

If You Are Used To Flush The Toilet With The Lid Up After Peeing, Read This. Many People Do Not Know ...

If You Are Used To Flush The Toilet With The Lid Up After Peeing

After each passage to the toilet, we have this reflex to lower the lid of your toilet when we get up! We have become so used to doing this that we never take the time to assess whether it carries risks or not. The answer is yes ! flushing the toilet with the lid up can have a detrimental effect on health. We explain everything.

We use the toilet many times a day and during each pass we never fail to chase. A gesture become so habitual that we do it almost without thinking.

But this habit is not without inconveniences. For the environment or for health, the effects are numerous and not negligible.

Flush The Toilet With The Lid Up : a danger to health?

Flush The Toilet With The Lid Up on its own does not present a direct health hazard, but it is the fact of not turning the lid on.

In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, flushing in this way results in the production of aerosols (fine particles), which in turn can lead to contamination of the toilet.

The researchers tested using the fecal suspension of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) to simulate the bacterial contamination found during a disease to measure the aerosolization of this bacterium. They also measured the extent of the splashes that occur when flush the toilet with the lid up.

The results of this study demonstrated that flush the toilet with the lid up without bending the lid increases the risk of contamination by the C. difficile bacterium. This was found in the air sampled at a height of 25 cm above the toilet bowl. The greatest concentration of C. difficile was recorded in the air sampled just after flushing the toilet with the lid up and dropped several minutes later. The contamination of the surface took place 90 minutes after the hunt.

Verdict: Always be sure to lower the lid of your toilet before flush the toilet with the lid up to avoid contamination by C. difficile or other bacteria.

Recall that C. difficile is a bacterium causing various digestive and intestinal problems, such as diarrhea or inflammation of the colon.

For the most courageous, we recommend avoiding to flush the toilet with the lid up after urinating, for ecological reasons.

Do not hunt, it's green and economical!

It is well known that flush the toilet with the lid up is one of the domestic facilities that waste most water. Whenever you finish your small business and shoot the hunt, you evacuate nearly 6 liters of water. Knowing that a person can urinate 6 times a day on average, we end up with a total of 36 liters of water evacuated every day per person (this without counting the big commissions). 13 140 liters of water are lost per year.

Individually, these figures do not seem to be alarming, but when you think of the number of people doing this several times a day around the world, the problem of water wastage becomes important!

Water is a valuable resource that is becoming scarcer day after day. It is therefore important to preserve it. Starting by shooting less and less is a first step for this!
For people who are worried about the hygiene of their toilets, know that the urine is sterile. You do not risk any inconvenience if you leave it a bit in your toilet.