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The World's #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

The World's #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

Taken since the dawn of time for their sweet taste and their sweet flavor, dates also have many therapeutic virtues. Containing large quantities of nutrients, these foods nourish the body, boost its energy and bring it a panoply of benefits.

Delicious, dates are dry fruits with high nutritional and energy value. Offering the body a variety of nutrients essential to its proper functioning, they also have several health benefits.

The dates contain magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, group B vitamins, vitamin C and calcium. They are also very high in carbohydrates and low in fat, making it a food of choice for sportsmen.

These dry fruits are also a good source of antioxidants, carotenoids in particular, which fight against the effects of free radicals.

Here are the benefits of dates:

Regulating cholesterol:

Due to their rich dietary fiber, dates can help reduce cholesterol levels. This action relates more particularly to the soluble fibers which are found in large quantities in the dates. The latter, turn into viscous gel when they come into contact with water, once ingested. Thus, thanks to this sticky texture, they succeed in catching the cholesterol and help to evacuate part of it through the stools.

Normally, an amount of 3 g of soluble fiber on a daily basis helps to lower cholesterol by 10%.

Helping to maintain a healthy weight:

With impressive nutritional qualities, dates can also help maintain a healthy weight. Indeed, these dry fruits make it possible to improve intestinal transit thanks to their fiber content. These substances which also have a strong capacity of filling will make it possible to avoid the nibbling.

But although they contain a minimal amount of fat, dates are high in carbohydrates and are quite caloric. It is therefore advisable to consume them in moderation.

Preventing and fighting against constipation:

Due to their high fiber content, the dates help to improve intestinal transit, a much desired action to prevent constipation, but also to overcome it.

To enjoy their benefits, eat them as they are or soak them in the water for a whole night, then consume them in the morning. For best results, you can prepare a kind of jam made from dates and prunes. Cook all in a little water and consume one tablespoon each day.

Strengthening the heart:

In addition to protecting heart health by reducing cholesterol, which is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, dates also help to strengthen the heart.

Indeed, rich in antioxidants, the dates will prevent the accumulation of lipids or cholesterol plates in the walls of the arteries and thus avoid atherosclerosis, which can in turn cause a heart attack.

In addition, dates are a good source of magnesium, a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining heart health. In addition to regulating the heart rate, it helps to reduce high blood pressure.

Recall that a deficiency in magnesium leads to oxidative stress that can cause alteration of the walls of the blood vessels by promoting premature aging. Protect your heart by consuming dates on a daily basis.

Preventing Stroke:

Dates contain many nutrients including potassium. Recall that a diet rich in this nutrient helps reduce the risk of strokes.

According to a study conducted at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of the Bronx, in the United States, significant intakes of potassium would be particularly effective in preventing stroke in postmenopausal women.

Rich in iron:

Dates represent an excellent source of iron, a nutrient that plays a fundamental role in the body. Indeed, iron is not only essential to the constitution of hemoglobin found in red blood cells, but also participates in several enzymatic reactions.

Thus, iron is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Indeed, a deficiency in this nutrient can have serious consequences on health and leads in particular to iron deficiency anemia. So fill up with iron, eating dates