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 Apply This On Your Skin For 3 Minutes And Get Instant Glowing Skin. It Really Works !

Apply This On Your Skin For 3 Minutes And Get Instant Glowing Skin. It Really Works !

Taking care of your skin is essential to preserve your health and to delay the effects of age and the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible. For this, women use and abuse various care and cosmetic products that are not always adapted to their skin type and that can attack it, in addition to costing very expensive! This is why it is strongly advised to opt for natural tricks!

There is no need to waste your money on costly cosmetic treatments and cosmetics, to have a youthful skin without blemishes. Just draw from the recipes of grandmothers who used only natural products to take care of their skin.

Lemon, baking soda, cucumber, honey ... the ingredients used in natural skin care are many and the effects formidable! But did you know that ice cubes can also help to have healthy skin?

Ice cubes for radiant skin:

Ice cure is a popular technique to take care of your skin and preserve its youth. It is a simple and economical method for toning and firming the skin and fighting imperfections while maintaining its flexibility.

Many women swear by this technique with immediate effects and many benefits.

To combat imperfections:

Ice cubes are an excellent solution to reduce inflammation and redness as well as acne pimples. This effect is due to their refreshing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ice treatment also reduces skin spots that appear as a result of exposure to the sun.

To have radiant skin:

Applying cold on the skin helps to improve blood circulation, which helps to have a radiant complexion. The cold also helps to tighten the blood vessels and prevents the blood from swelling on the surface of the skin. An effect that would help reduce inflammation.

To replace makeup:

Are you in a hurry in the morning? Do not have enough time to apply your makeup? Put an ice cube on your face and the trick is played.
Thanks to the effect of the cold, the ice cubes make it possible to have a fresh complexion, well awakened and above all natural!

To tone the skin:

Ice cubes are the most economical way to tone your skin. Forget your tonic lotions made up of different ingredients and opt for the ice cubes to refresh the skin and reduce the pores, for a perfect rendering!

To reduce puffiness and reduce dark circles:

The cold of the ice cubes helps to reduce the swelling in general, and especially those of the eyes. If you tend to wake up with puffy eyes as if you've been crying all night, skip an ice cube on it and you'll be surprised at the result. Ice cubes also help to darken dark circles.

How to use the ice cubes on the skin?

Before using the ice cubes on the skin, it is important to clean it thoroughly to get rid of any impurities that may accumulate in it. Then wrap an ice cube in a piece of soft cloth or gauze. When the ice begins to melt, it will obviously moisten the fabric. This is when you can apply it to your face.

Place it on different parts of your face, emphasizing pockets and dark circles. But be careful, it is not a question of leaving it for a long time, remember that this part is still sensitive. Also make circular movements, in order to activate the blood circulation.

Once you have finished your ice treatment, apply a moisturizer.

This trick is very effective to have a fresh complexion and look youthful. But it may not be suitable for everyone. So, if you experience discomfort, stop the application immediately.