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Here Is How To Relieve The Sciatic Nerve Pain, Stuck In The Lumbar (Lower back) Region

Here Is How To Relieve The Sciatic Nerve Pain, Stuck In The Lumbar (Lower back) Region

How To Relieve The Pain Of The Sciatic Nerve

When everyday life is a permanent race, and stress, fatigue become everywhere. Our current life  style is responsible for several diseases. We all suffered from pain in the neck, back, arms or other parts of the body because of a stuck nerve. Here are two effective and easy exercises to relieve nerve pain stuck in the lumbar region
(Lower back).

Our muscles, our joints, our organs and our whole body are made to move, to walk and to be in action. But unfortunately, sometimes some diseases prevent us from being as active as we wish. Sciatica is the best known of the vertebral pains that push to gradually decrease the physical activities.

In Finland, a survey of 8,000 people showed that sciatica affects 5.1% of men and 3.7% of women. This condition is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve due to aging, certain diseases such as osteoarthritis or repeated efforts.

How to relieve his sciatic nerve?

Here are two very effective exercises to relieve the pain of a nerve stuck in the lumbar spin

Exercise 1 :
how to relieve sciatic nerve pain

We will show you simple exercises and stretches that are very beneficial in reducing inflammation and relieving pain. At first, these exercises may seem difficult. You should practice them slowly and continue stretching while exhaling.

First of all, you should lie down on the floor and bend your leg painfully. Then, try to pull it slightly towards the shoulder. Once you feel a stretch, stay in this position for about 30 seconds.

Straighten your legs afterwards and take a short break. However, make sure to repeat the same exercise twice.

Exercise 2:
how to relieve sciatic nerve pain

This exercise also requires you to lie on your back. Then bend your knees and try to pull them towards the chest very slowly, but make sure not to lift the backside off the floor. Then cross the legs and pull the leg painlessly using your hand. Keep your leg painful. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, release your legs and return to the starting position. This exercise must be done twice.

These stretching exercises will help you to improve your blood circulation and overcome muscular stagnation.

The causes of sciatica:

Most often, sciatica is a consequence of a compression of sciatic nerves especially in the case of herniated disc or rarely by a tumor or neurological disease. But there are various causes, here are a few:
  • Poor posture
  • A sprain
  • A spasm
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Sleeping on a soft and uncomfortable mattress
  • The pregnancy
  • Diabetes
The signs and symptoms associated with the sciatic nerve stuck:
  • Numbness
  • Cramps
  • Light swelling
  • Acute pain (constant or occasional)
  • Tingling
  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness
Treatment and natural remedies to relieve the sciatic nerve stuck

In case of severe pain, doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants, analgesics, analgesics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce pain, fever and inflammation. Moderate stretching exercises are also recommended.

Try these techniques to relieve common pain:

Sleep on a firm mattress and lie on your side or on your back keeping your knees bent

Put yourself on your back by placing a pillow under your knees or sleeping on your side and put the pillow between your knees during painful seizures
Avoid sleeping on your stomach

Apply hot or cold compresses to the area to treat muscle spasms

Adjust the height of your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor and knees a little higher than the hips.

Avoid crossing your legs while sitting and keep your feet flat on the floor or use a reclining footrest.

Use a chair with a firm back and sit straight

Natural remedies:
Nettle: It is very recommended to fight rheumatic and sciatic pain. Nettle can be used internally (herbal tea, infusion) or external (local application of a poultice). Its effect is due to the formic acid present in the hairs of the plant.

Arnica: It is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory plant par excellence. It reduces muscle and joint pain and helps fight inflammation.

Thyme: It is excellent for relieving sciatic pain because it has anti-inflammatory properties. The thymol, flavonoids and carvacrol that it contains allow to relax the muscles.