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20 Simple And Brilliant Ideas To Help You Save A Lot Of Money!

20 Simple And Brilliant Ideas To Help You Save A Lot Of Money!

20 Simple And Brilliant Ideas That Will Help You Save A Lot Of Money!

Who has never seen his fresh fruits and vegetables gradually turn into  mashed moldy? Keeping the freshness of your food is possible! Here are 20 ideas to better conserve your food and save money.

To keep your onions fresh and to prolong their life, take a nylon stocking, and at the bottom, place an onion, tie a knot and place another onion, and so on. The bottom will let your bunions breathe while letting the moisture evaporate.

Potatoes, onions and apples
To keep them as long as possible, keep these fruits and vegetables separately, as they produce gases that oxidize other vegetables and fruits. In addition, potatoes should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place to prevent them from greening or rotting.

After buying berries, put them immediately in a bowl filled with a mixture of cider vinegar and 10 parts water. Let them soak for 5 minutes before rinsing and drying. Thus, the micro-organisms that are hooked to them are free from them and will last longer.

It is true that honey is one of the foods with the longest lifespan; It is, indeed, imperishable. But to preserve its quality, keep it in an airtight pot that you will keep in a cool and dry place.

To prevent them from taking up a lot of space in your refrigerator, you can use an ice cube tray to keep them. Crack your eggs and pour each one into a cube, then sprinkle them with a pinch of salt or sugar to prevent them from becoming grainy.

Tomato sauce
To keep your tomato sauce, pour it in a freezer bag, spread it horizontally and then form small portions by separating the sauce with your finger. Once frozen, you can use as many servings as you need.

Aromatic herbs
To preserve the taste and freshness of your aromatic herbs, chop them finely and place them in the cubes of an ice cube tray. Cover with olive oil and freeze.


To slow their maturity and keep them fresh longer, wrap their end of plastic food film or aluminum foil. You can also hang them on a hook so that they are well ventilated and away from any contact that would favor their decay.

Celery, broccoli and lettuce

To preserve the freshness and crispness of these vegetables, wrap them dry in aluminum foil and keep them in the crisper of your refrigerator.


You bought too many vegetables and you do not want to see them end up in your trash? It's simple: make them whiten. Once washed and cut, dip them for a few minutes in boiling water, then in a bowl of ice water. Then, separate them in freezer bags and freeze them.

Green salad
To prevent green salads and all other leafy vegetables from fading and losing their freshness, wrap them in paper towels before putting them in the refrigerator. The paper will absorb moisture, which will extend their life. However, care must be taken to change them regularly.

They are part of the fruits that are preserved for a very long time, provided they keep them in a cool and dry place. So put them in the drawer of your refrigerator making sure to remove those that show signs of rot as they go.
To prolong their shelf life, place your carrots and other root vegetables in a jar filled with slightly damp sand. This will help you keep them several months longer.

Minced meat

Just like for tomato sauce, spread out your meat in a freezer bag, then shape portions with your fingers. Once frozen, it would be easier to cut.

Pots of white cheese

The trick is very simple: freeze them upside down. By placing the pot upside down, the whey covers the bottom of the pot and limits the contact with air and thus the proliferation of bacteria.

To protect your cheese against the hardening or taste of the plastic that sticks to it when you keep it in its original packaging, simply replace it with kitchen paper or parchment paper.

A fresh pineapple longer? It's simple ! Cut its crown (leafy part) and place it upside down in your refrigerator.

Spring onions

For fresh and tasty spring onions, place them in a container filled with a little water. Not only will you keep them longer, but you'll also see new onions grow!

We often can not finish our piece of cake, and when we remember it, it is already too hard. To keep your cake moist, cover the opened portion with slices of bread so that they absorb moisture and preserve the rest of the cake.

Glass boxes
Prefer glass containers to keep your food, because they are healthier, easier to clean and sterilize, and their shelf life is more effective than plastic.