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7 Body Odors That Are The Symptom Of A Disease! Never Ignore Them!

7 Body Odors That Are The Symptom Of A Disease! Never Ignore Them!

7 Body Odors That Are The Symptom Of A Disease! Never Ignore Them!

Social ties are created from the image we refer to others but also from our body odor. Similarly, in a couple, there are smells in our partner that we do not consciously perceive but which allow us to recognize ourselves, it is the reflection of our animal instinct.

However, some people suffer from excessive odor secretion, which are annoying on a daily basis. But did you know that this may indicate a health problem?

The main cause of a strong body odor is the bacteria that live on the surface of the skin. They are more numerous in folds and hairy areas such as armpits or genitals. They feed on dead skin and molecules secreted by the skin like sebum or sweat. By digesting this "food", they produce gases that are responsible for odors of varying degrees of severity, depending on the person. However, genetic diseases can also cause abnormally strong body odors.

So here are the 7 body odors that you should pay attention to to know your health!

1- Breath

Regarding the odor of breath, there are several different odors to define the type of problem you are suffering from. A rather fruity and sweet smell can be the sign of diabetes. On the other hand, bad breath can be the result of a diet rich in onions or garlic, poor oral hygiene, cavities, abscesses, gingival infections or an infection of the throat . It is also possible to suffer from a nauseating breath on awakening due to sleep apnea. Bacteria in the mouth proliferate by feeding on proteins in saliva or in food residues and trigger the onset of bad breath.

2- The feet

The most common bad odor is the feet, it touches a lot of people because the feet are locked in the shoes throughout the day, unlike hands, in direct contact with the open air. Beyond sweating, the way to wash and dry your feet will increase or not the appearance of mushrooms. About 10% of the French population suffers from mycosis of the feet. This condition occurs under the fingernails and between the toes, as it is the propitious, warm and humid place to proliferate. It is necessary to treat as soon as possible a mycosis of the feet to avoid its spread.

3- The urine
The urine is normally odorless with a fairly clear color. These two characteristics are synonymous with good hydration. However, when the urine has an unpleasant odor and is stronger than usual, it can be a sign of a disease such as a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes or a drug reaction. Also be aware that consuming asparagus can cause a bad odor of urine. If in doubt, consult a health care practitioner.

4- Hair
Far from a simple lack of hygiene, the smell of the hair and especially of the scalp can be a response to the appearance of a fungus that stimulates abnormally the sebaceous glands and thus the abusive production of sebum. This problem is usually accompanied by itching, scalp irritation and redness. A consultation with a dermatologist is necessary to benefit from proper treatment that will allow your mane to feel good!

5- Intimate zones
Among the unpleasant odors are those of the intimate parts. Although the female has the power to self-clean, an unusual odor suggests a intimate parts problem such as mycosis due to Candida albicans. Diabetes is also one of the responsible for the intimate odor. Consult a gynecologist to treat infections.

6- The armpits
The armpits are the place of the human body where one perspires the most. A lot of chemicals exist to counter the strong odor of perspiration. However, natural products, such as lemon, are best for avoiding the overproduction of bacteria on the surface of the skin that generate bad odor when sweating sweat glands. Be sure to use an aluminum-free deodorant as this product is carcinogenic.

7- The stools

Obviously, the stool does not feel good. However, a modification of excreta with an abnormal, foul, foul odor may be...