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Empty And Cleanse Your Colon Of Toxins With These 3 Ingredients

Empty And Cleanse Your Colon Of Toxins With These 3 Ingredients

Empty And Cleanse Your Colon Of Toxins With These 3 Ingredients

Do you sometimes feel heavy and bloated? What causes this sensation is the accumulation of toxins in the body. The latter cause bloating and promote the storage of fats in the body. Everything is out of order and the body no longer feels at its best. It is often a sign that you have to set the record straight and clean the body of everything that clogs it.

Toxins accumulate in the body over time due to poor diet, lack of sports activities, stress build-up and poor lifestyle habits. Toxins can be responsible for several discomforts and diseases: obesity, digestive disorders, kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases, dermal, joint problems, etc.

Over the course of our lives, the body can amass several pounds of toxins and few of us know how to get rid of it. Often, it is believed that restoring a good diet is enough, and it would first be necessary to go through the detox box before (re) taking good habits. And a detox is done by consuming the right foods that cleanse the body of its waste. Here are the most effective.

1 - Fruits and vegetables

It is no secret that fruit and vegetables are the first foods to be consumed when one wants to clean the body of its waste. Normally, the liver takes care of it, but if you ingest industrial and chemical food, it is overwhelmed and can not fulfill its role completely.

Consuming fruits and vegetables indirectly helps the liver to cleanse the body. Not to mention all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that these foods bring. Some fruits are antioxidants and have curative powers, they are excellent for supplementing the liver's action when cleansing the body.

Apples are a good example. An apple every day keeps away from the doctor, they say. They are rich in soluble fiber, good for restoring the intestinal flora. They also contain many antioxidants, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

They have a strong quenching power since they contain more than 80% of water. The apple has the power to absorb bad cholesterol, fight cardiovascular disease and colon cancer, according to a study published in 2008.

2 - Flax seeds
The seeds are well known for their detoxifying effect. Fiber-rich, they improve intestinal transit and promote the absorption of the right nutrients. They reduce the risk of colon cancer due to their antioxidant power. They fight against cardiovascular disease, bad cholesterol and diabetes. It is also an inexhaustible source of Omega-3, excellent for the body.

Caution: the use of flaxseed is not recommended in people with intestinal diverticula. They can penetrate into the small excavations causing inflammation of the intestine. They are also contraindicated in cases of thyroid disease.

3 - Chia seeds
Chia seeds are rich in fiber, which help restore the intestinal flora and promote the proper functioning of the digestive system. They contain a lot of nutrients that will clean the body of its waste. They are cousins of flaxseed, they also contain omega-3 in abundance (17%), antioxidants and vitamins. These seeds fight against type 1 diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular disorders and constipation.

Attention: do not abuse it. Indeed, according to the European Committee for Novel Foods and Processes, chia is an allergen that has not yet been clearly determined. It is therefore advisable for people who are allergic to linseed or sesame seeds to abstain from it. Chia seeds are not recommended for people who have prostate cancer and those who are receiving blood-borne disease because of their anticoagulant effect.

A detox cure to follow to cleanse your body

  • 1 apple
  • 1 teaspoon of pure honey
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1 cup of water

Mix all the ingredients except chia. Pour the contents into a bowl and add the chia. Continue stirring until the chia seeds double in volume - count about 5 minutes. Pass the mixture into the Chinese to filter the fine particles.

Eat 1 small glass of this drink in the morning before you take your breakfast, every day for two weeks to feel an improvement.