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Why You Need To Walk Every Day To Lose Weight

Why You Need To Walk Every Day To Lose Weight

Here's How You Need To Walk Every Day To Lose Weight

Many of us do sports, go to the gym, try different diets ... And during all this time we have not even realized that the long daily walks, as shown by several studies, are not less effective Against the pounds.


The main factors that affect the calories burned during walking are distance traveled, speed and body weight. For best results, you need to follow a regular schedule and use a step counter.

This device will tell you how many steps you have made during the day. If you are traveling a great distance but do not lose weight, it can count how many steps you need to add.


This approximate estimate will help you establish your own program (remember that a lot depends on your individual characteristics, lifestyle, eating habits and health status):

100 kcal = 2,000 steps = 1.6 km
1 kg = 140,000 steps = 7,000 kcal = 112 km
Ways to extend your walks:
  •     Try not to drive or take a bus.
  •     Take and pick up your children at school.
  •     Stop using elevators and escalators.
  •     Walk your dog longer.
To make your walks more interesting, try the following:
  •     Walk with a friend.
  •     Listen to your favorite music or audio book.
  •     Visit unknown locations and choose new itineraries.
In winter, you can continue to practice at home if you have a treadmill. It will allow you to watch movies or TV shows while keeping fit.

Keep in mind that your steps are uneven and can vary from foot to foot. To count your pace, measure a distance of 10 to 20 meters and run at your usual pace by counting the steps. Divide the distance in centimeters (1,000 or 2,000) by the number of steps you have taken.

    Less than 70 steps / min

For a healthy person, such a rhythm has no effect. This is recommended for people who recover from a heart attack or suffer from severe angina.

    71-90 psi, 3-4 km / h
Recommended for people with cardiovascular disease.

    91-110 psi, 4-5 km / h

A good workout for your body that suits any healthy person.

    111-130 steps / min
An excellent exercise for your body, but even healthy people have difficulty maintaining such a pace for a long time.

1. Start slightly and gradually increase the duration and rhythm. You must first increase the length of your walks and then increase the pace. They must be adequate for your health.

2. Practice walking regularly. A walk per week will not do you any good. If you can not walk every day, do it at least 2-3 times a week. Walking can be practiced at any time, but no sooner than 1-1.5 hours after a meal.

3. Consult your doctor and take a medical examination. Repeat this once or twice a year.

4. Look at your posture while walking. Your torso and shoulders should be straight and your belly retracted.

You should also remember that a slow walk over a short distance will be unnecessary, while if you walk too fast and you are unprepared, you may be hurting yourself.